Bubbled: How the AR community benefits from a decentralized AR Cloud

5 min readMar 8, 2018


Bubbled is an AR content cloud with decentralized tools for governance, built on the blockchain.

Bubbled’s AR cloud is unique because it is decentralized. Decentralization is the movement of departments within a organization away from a single point of administration and is important to the growth of an AR ecosystem seeking to empower its community rather than the platform provider.

It provides an opportunity to have greater control over individual AR experiences, personal data and the ability to monetize creations as an AR/3D content creator.

Decentralization enacted out using distributed ledger technology (Blockchain) enables the consolidation of functions usually performed by set departments within a large organisation, to be performed by a smart contract, digitally. This means tasks like data storage, decision making and content management are not managed centrally but rather, autonomously run; managed by pre-programmed smart contracts more commonly known as ‘cryptocurrency.’

Blockchain technology also means that all transactions are recorded against a distributed ledger, eliminating human error and fraud.

The foundation of our decentralised AR cloud revolves around the ownership of virtual spaces tied to real world locations.

Think domain registration for real world locations, where ‘Clicks on Bricks’ will be the de facto digital marketing metric. Our land selector tool is the first working component of our decentralized solution.

Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, Snapchat are all centrally managed companies who have monopolised the most recent phase of web 2.0 through centrally controlled apps. All of the above are also investing heavily in augmented reality.

However, historically the aforementioned companies have a track record of making decisions based on satisfying the needs of the few often at the detriment of the end user and content creators — the lifeblood of these platforms. We’ve recently seen cases of:

  • indiscriminate use of personal data
  • curtailing of content creator benefits
  • fake news
  • inappropriate content.

These characteristics are likely to transfer over into what is predicted to be a trillion dollar industry- Augmented Reality if early steps aren’t taken to set up the framework of a global code of conduct, while also preparing one that is compatible with the decentralization of web 3.0.

Decentralized technologies take the power out of the hands of the few and places it into the hands of the many.

With the world divided into defined parcels anyone with an ethereum-compatible wallet and a smartphone can own a piece of virtual land and add their voice to the community. That is our mission for Bubbled.

How Does Bubbled Work

Bubbled is powered by Ethereum blockchain smart contracts, BigchainDB, IPFS and traditional web technologies; Bubbled provides a decentralized eco-system to experience, create and share user generated and branded content in augmented reality.

Via the decentralized toolkit provided by Bubbled, end users will be able to seamlessly interact with AR content placed in real-world locations from multiple content creators.

Via cLand, content creators will connect to Bubbled’s decentralized ecosystem to start contributing to its decentralized geo-located point cloud database to create, place and serve assets into a ubiquitous AR environment. This will save time and resources and will ensure content is seen by a cross platform audience, resulting in greater levels of remuneration.

Via the Bubbled’s land selector a virtual landowner will be able to:

  • lease out land and set leasing rates
  • decide on what types of branded content is shown on their land
  • set the resale price
  • participate on key governance and constitutional issues affecting their land blocks.

Brands and businesses will be able to curate and share AR content and advertise to existing and new audiences in pre-approved real world locations via Bubbled’s decentralized tool, Branded.

All content creators and commissioners of AR content will be able to operate within Bubbled’s community driven and self-governed decentralized infrastructure.

What problems does Bubbled solve

  1. Siloed AR experiences

Currently AR is limited to isolated experiences within disparate apps. To quote Super Venture’s Ori Inbar: ‘ARKit & ARCore-based AR apps are like surfing the web with no friends. It’s so 1996.’

For AR to take off and capture the minds and hearts of the masses, it requires AR experiences that persist in the real world across space, time, and devices.

Bubbled’s AR cloud ties to real world locations to experience and create immersive content when using either the Branded or cLand dApps.

However, our solution goes a step further. Via our SDK, Bubbled services can be easily integrated into existing apps with no augmented reality viewer.

Doing so, connects all users of third party apps onto one ubiquitous decentralized platform — the Bubbleverse. This patent pending business methodology opens up immersive content to a global audience of an AR metaverse. Meaning any brand or business with an app can be plugged into our AR viewer.

Post our token generation event we want to be fielding calls from the likes of McDonalds and Coca Cola to the local bakery; all who will be looking to connect with opted-in audiences, in real-world locations!

2. Lack of governance for legal recourse

With ARkit and ARcore included in the latest smartphone devices from Apple and Android and facilitating access to AR, and augmented reality marketing set to become a trillion-dollar industry; as of today, there are no regulations or ecosystem to manage:

  1. The placement of AR content in pre-approved real world locations
  2. Combat bad actors
  3. Support AR creators adequately and provide a global and ubiquitous management system

By registering an immutable ownership of these virtual spaces on the blockchain, a system of governance for matters of legal recourse can be developed to deal with the eventual real-world issues of displays of inappropriate or age-sensitive content, copyright infringement, protection of public spaces (seen in the case of Pokemon Go).

Bubbled will provide the platform needed to form a consensus-based community led governance framework and facilitate access and management of AR spaces and content.

We have already started making progress in this area by developing a code of conduct for all content creators and brands who wish to operate within the Bubbled framework. We are seeking to start the discussion around what will soon be real-world issues. For more information visit The Bubbled Framework for AR Content (BFAR).

Ad efficiency and fraud Prevention

By partnering and integrating with blockchain based ad platforms, brands and businesses will benefit from the security and robustness of leveraging an ad exchange built on the blockchain.

Bubbled’s relationship to the decentralized AR Cloud

Bubbled is an AR platform whose framework is solving issues of ownership and governance within real-world spaces hosting augmented reality content.

Look out for details of our upcoming pre-sale and token generation event.

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Decentralised virtual spaces and governance for AR content. Check out details on our upcoming ICO https://www.bubbled.io/ — Telegram: https://t.me/seebubbled