Step By Step: How To Install Exorde Node, Incentivized Testnet

9 min readFeb 3, 2023


Learn how to install a node on Exorde blockchain and join to incentivized testnet, Earn rewards and benefits.

What is Exorde:

Contributors validate urls and public content from one another thanks to blockchain technology and Proof-Of-Stake consensus. These key technologies allow for full transparency and reinforce the neutrality of the protocol with respect to the data it processes. All the data is processed on IPFS and archived on Filecoin.

Protocol output gives several metrics to monitor in real-time what is happening on the web.


Learn about new and upcoming trends by visualizing how fast a topic is circulating on the web in real-time.


Monitor mentions and keywords volumes by source and language in real-time.


Discover how people feel about subjects, brands, events, policies and more with this revolutionary way of analyzing live sentiment online.

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Introduction to Exorde

Data growth has been impressive in the past few years as the online world keeps growing and accelerating. An astonishing 90%1 of internet data 2 has been created in the last years. Today, the Web hosts more than 2 billion active websites and is an ever-evolving data jungle. In recent years, a great deal of attention has been devoted to the rise in “fake news”: everything from satire and misleading content to articles that are completely fabricated. When any type of content (image, news, video, audio, : : : ) makes it on the web, it can spread anywhere in a matter of seconds, without any original context, for any purpose. Any authentic content (or not) can be reused to create viral fake information to manipulate public opinion on a given subject in the short term or hurt the reputation of any entity (organizations, personas, etc). News is consumed more and more via personalized and customized news sites and social media (personalized search, news feeds), creating a bubble effect, isolating users from any news and information that is deemed inconsistent with their bias and beliefs. Rapid technological advancements and this bubbling effect mean that fake news or other informative campaigns have the potential to create a much bigger impact on society over time. The overwhelming size of the challenge can be seen in the fact that large companies like Twitter, Google, and Facebook seem to struggle against misinformation despite the resources invested. According to a report from Oxford University, almost 60% of misinformation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic remains on Twitter without a warning label3. Facebook has increased its efforts to combat fake news, by employing human factcheckers in combination with artificial intelligence systems. Even though the vast majority of Facebook’s efforts against fake news are powered by artificial intelligence, those fact-checkers, providing the necessary human touch to review fake news, are overwhelmed with the amount of data flooding the social-media giant’s platform. The issue of leveraging information and doing online virality analysis is a global challenge. Therefore we believe that it can only be tackled by a global approach that goes beyond the reach of individual social networks or media platforms.This solution needs to leverage both AI, on a large scale, and the work of a heterogeneous self-governed community. We propose Exorde as a solution:

Part 01: How Order And Configure Your VPS Server

You need to rent a VPS server at first , VPS servers have some advantages:

  1. High Availability
  2. High Scalability
  3. Multi Locations
  4. Easy to Config
  5. Cheap

Note: Hetzner datacenter presents hourly paymnet option.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

CPU: 2vCore, RAM: 4GB RAM(+ 2 GB per additional module run) , SDD: 40GB, OS: Ubuntu 20.04

1.If you don’t have a account in a server provider, use this link to sign up and earn €⁠20 for new sining up

Hetzner Datacenter

2.Click on continue button

3. In the hetzner website click on sign up button

4. Click on REGISTER NOW button

5. Fill the form and continue

6. Do KYC and enjoy it.

7. Click on <+ New project> and add a name project then in new page, click on Add Server

8. Choose your location, OS and hardware based on minimum requirements then write your VPS name and click on <create and buy> button

Note:An email will be sent about your VPS server like: IP and Password, check your mail box and use the informations to connect to VPS

Part 02: How to Connect To Your VPS

MacOs: To connect via SSH from this operating system, first open the Terminal window. You can find this tool by going to “Application->Utilities->Terminal”.

Windows: you can use many tools like putty and MobaXterm

1.Download one and lunch the application

2.Use informations which has been sent to your email address

3.Copy IP and enter in app and click on Open button

4.Click on “Accept” bottun , Enter your username and password which sent by Hetzner

Note: To paste any command that you have already copied just right-click where you want to paste the command

5.Enter or paste your password again and type new password and retype it again.

Finally you are on server, now you have permission to write or paste commands.

You should paste or type step by step the following commands that I have written.

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Part 03: Preparation

1.Update & Upgrade Server

Before you get start, need to update and upgrade server

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y

2. Install Prerequisties

Copy and paste the command below when terminal asks you, enter Y and press ENTER on your keyboard.

sudo apt install pkg-config git screen build-essential libssl-dev -y

4.Install Docker

You shoul install the Exorde node by docker, following commands help you to install that.

sudo apt-get install \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \

Add Docker’s official GPG key:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

Use the following command to set up the repository:

echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Try granting read permission for the Docker public key file before updating the package index:

sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo apt-get update

To install the latest version, run:

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

When command prompt asks you, type Y and press ENTER on your keyboard.

To install docker compose:

sudo apt install docker-compose

When command prompt asks you, type Y and press ENTER on your keyboard.

Verify that the Docker Engine installation is successful by running the hello-world image:

sudo docker run hello-world

Check docker compose version:

docker-compose -v

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Part 04: Install The Node

1.Run The Node: The background mode is best suited for servers and long-running instances on computers.

docker run \
-d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--pull always \
exordelabs/exorde-cli -m <YOUR_MAIN_ADDRESS> -l <LOGGING_LEVEL>

<YOUR_MAIN_ADDRESS> --> your main Ethereum (ETH) Mainnet address. For example, from Metamask. Not from the exchange.

<CONTAINER_NAME> → module names.


Note: You can run several instances of Exorde CLI, with the same main address. Just make sure to change container’s name with the option --name

Note: You can run up to 15 instances of Exorde (module) on one IP.


docker run \
-d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--pull always \
--name myExorde01 \
exordelabs/exorde-cli -m 0xb800630fkW42A7C988C5A18EC93b4a1c73fF032H -l 2

Finished! Your module is running in the container in the background. Now you can leave everything as it is, close the CLI terminal, and the module will continue to run. But remember that you need to monitor the updates in Discord and the performance of each module separately!

2.Extra Copy: To run an extra copy of the module, just repeat the same command, but with a different <CONTAINER NAME>:

Note: Each additional module consumes 2GB RAM


docker run \
-d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--pull always \
--name myExorde02 \ #CONTAINER NAME has changed
exordelabs/exorde-cli -m 0xb800630fkW42A7C988C5A18EC93b4a1c73fF032H -l 2

3.Status: Check the number of running modules and their status

docker ps -a

If the status of the container is “Up to…” — module is now active.

If the status of the container is “Exited” — this module is not working now.

4.Points: To check your rewards and rank use the link below. On website landing page press Ctrl + F and search your wallet address.

5.Additional Points: You can participate in CREW3 and earn additional points, to receive a payout, you must collect at least 300 EXD (XP=EXD) in Crew3. For everyone who is listed in this table , your contribution from this table is taken into account.

Click on the link below and join to CREW3.

6.Start/Stop/Restart/Remove: For modules to work efficiently, you need to ensure that they do not overload your system. Therefore, run as many modules as will work optimally for your specifications. Accordingly, if you find that the system is working to its limits, stop and remove unnecessary modules. Modules can sometimes stop working, check the number of running modules and their status, need to make a restart.

docker stop <CONTAINER_NAME>
docker rm <CONTAINER_NAME>
docker restart <CONTAINER_NAME>
docker start <CONTAINER_NAME>

7.Logs: Check processes and logs, a container open in the background, logs are not printed on the console but they are visible using with the following command:

docker logs --follow <CONTAINER_NAME>

Thanks for your time. If you need some supports, can join our community also can study other active projects.

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