Tutorial for the new functions of SEER V1.5

3 min readNov 30, 2022


Welcome to participate in the test of SEER V1.5 version! 🔥
This tutorial will guide you to learn how to use the four main new functions and how to claim SEER test coins. Follow my steps —

  • Open community
  • Create event
  • AOE promotion
  • Personal account

🖼 Open community

  1. Click “Dashboard” in the space you created, enter “space settings”

2. Click “Open community”

3. Fill in the relevant information, click “Save Changes”, and the home page is opened!

🎉 Create event

Please follow the steps:

🔮 AOE Promotion

AOE (Area of effect), simply put, is an advertising function that can influence local users. It is one of the core functions of Seer’s value discovery protocol.

  1. Enter “Dashboard”, select “AOE”, choose an event you want to promote and start creating

2. You can also enable the “Fast AOE promotion” function when releasing the event

3. Then anyone can see your ads in the AOE/ADS activity area

🍹 Personal Account

Here users can see their event rewards, advertising revenue, recharge and withdrawal records.

In the AOE section, qualified users can earn platform tokens through watching activities.

🪙 About SEER test tokens

At the same time, SEER tokens have been released on the Matic testnet ☺️

Get the test tokens to participate in our test activity!


  1. SEER token contract address: 0x6f36b6c76446351399Eed83de1129f8a3fd85802

Open the SEER Social official websitehttps://app.seer.eco) and follow the steps in the figure to claim your SEER tokens:

2) Claim the Matic tokens needed for interaction — — Polygon faucet: https://faucet.polygon.technology

🤗 SEER test token claim rules are as follows:

Each address can only be claimed once by clicking on the Polygon faucet link for Twitter authentication.
With 1,000 SEER test coins at a time, you can receive 1,000 SEER test coins in your own wallet, which can be recharged to your account. It can be used to experience various functions of SEER.

When the official token is launched, this test coin will be cleared to zero.

