Tips to improve blood circulation
3 min readJul 22, 2016


To ensure your body stays in shape and each organ keeps functioning properly, the blood circulation system needs to be functional. As a matter of fact, it is the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the human body. Without proper blood circulation in the body, your immunity will suffer and you will become prone to a number of ailments. When you find your health and immunity is suffering owing to poor blood flow in the body, there are several remedial measures you can adopt.

Below listed are a few effective tips to enhance blood circulation in the body

  1. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to a number of health problems and it can also affect blood circulation in the body. Plasma, which the blood is mostly made of, is composed of water. Apart from drinking pure water every day, ensure you cut down on caffeine and alcohol based drinks as these are detrimental for blood circulation. If you like fruit juice, try making them at home rather than buying OTC variants.

2. Stay active

Leading an active lifestyle and doing exercise is beneficial for your health, say the doctors. It is also beneficial for optimal blood circulation in your body. You can resort to various types of workouts, based on your health and lifestyle, budget, etc. Some people hit the gym regularly, but if that is not possible, try performing aerobic workouts at home. Even swimming or running will offer you benefits for blood circulation. Such exercises aid your heart in pumping out blood well, and this ensures the flow reaches each organ and part of your body.

3. Cut down on smoking

There is no need to write an introduction on why smoking is bad for health. It is bad for the heart and so it can affect blood circulation too. Avoiding passive smoking is also advisable in this regard.

4. Using proper footwear

It does not make sense that you sacrifice health and comfort for the sake of fashion! Ill fitting, stylish shoes and slippers can be bad for blood circulation in the feet, as studies have shown. The tighter shoes hamper normal circulation in the feet. Ensure you wear soft and ergonomically designed footwear at all times to enhance blood circulation in the legs.

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