ChatGPT Now Makes VIDEOS!

Here’s Everything YOU Need to Know!

The Space Meg
4 min readFeb 16, 2024
Credit: Sora/OpenAI Website

When ChatGPT first came out, I remember being extremely impressed. I’d use it to help me learn new things, tell me random facts I didn’t ask for, and even help me with work. But, if you told me in 2022 that it would have the ability to generate pictures and eventually videos, I’d call you crazy.

Well, that’s reality now in 2024. Whether you like it or not, AI has advanced well beyond initial expectations, with OpenAI spearheading the rapid advancement. OpenAI’s new product, called Sora, is a video-generating AI that can make hyper-realistic videos from one line of text. Yeah, you read that right. In fact, take a look at this video:

Snip From Video Created by Sora (OpenAI)

This picture is taken from a video that shows these wooly mammoths roaming in the snow. The prompt the AI was given was:

“Several giant wooly mammoths approach treading through a snowy meadow, their long wooly fur lightly blows in the wind as they walk, snow covered trees and dramatic snow capped mountains in the distance, mid afternoon light with wispy clouds and a sun high in the distance creates a warm glow, the low camera view is stunning capturing the large furry mammal with beautiful photography, depth of field.”

But what about videos involving faces and actual humans. Well, worry not because Sora can do that too:

Credit: Sora/OpenAI
Credit: Sora/OpenAI

I mean, come on. Just wow! There’s absolutely no way to tell this is fake. For reference, the prompt used was:

“A movie trailer featuring the adventures of the 30 year old space man wearing a red wool knitted motorcycle helmet, blue sky, salt desert, cinematic style, shot on 35mm film, vivid colors.”

To compare this to DaLLe 3 (OpenAI’s image-generating AI), this is the picture it produced when I gave it the same prompt:

Credit: DaLLe 3

Now, this image isn’t bad. In fact, it’s pretty good. DaLLe generated exactly what I told it to generate and overall, it’s an impressive piece. But now compare this to the man from the video and you can see just how much more real it is.

The facial hair, the skin texture, the suit… it all just feels way more realistic. And that’s both: really exciting but really scary at the same time.

While you’ve seen the exciting part, the scary part lies in something called deepfakes. Essentially, deepfakes are fake audio, photos, and/or videos that’re generated by AI. They’re created by people who want to trick others into thinking someone did or said something they didn’t in real life. And as AI gets more and more advanced, this is going to become an even bigger problem.

In the future, we might not be able to tell if someone committed a crime because of how real a deepfake might look. On the flip side, someone could blame actual footage of their crime on AI-generated deepfakes, using this new tech to bail themselves out of potential consequences.

Another reason why OpenAI’s Sora is consequential is job loss.

In fact, according to the study “Future Unscripted: The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Entertainment Industry Jobs,” over 20% of jobs in the film, TV and animation industry could be impacted by AI by 2026 alone.

This can seem absolutely devastating for digital animators and designers, but there is hope. The study only says jobs will be impacted, not fully taken. This means if you’re a digital creator, you can use AI like Sora to your advantage. Learning what prompts generate the best footage, and using them in film can prove to be groundbreaking. Whoever will do this the best in the future will surely be successful.

Finally, note that Sora currently is NOT available to the public. It will likely be available in the coming months, but it’s currently being tested for safety by the team at OpenAI. Regardless, I encourage you to visit their website here if you want to see the actual videos. It’s absolutely amazing!

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The Space Meg

I love space. Bringing you Original Space, Tech, & AI content. Unique Ideas You've Never Thought About. Born in the sky, Raised on the moon.