Why You Should Build Better Habits — QUESTION IT!

Selena Fonseka
6 min readJun 12, 2022


Building better habits can drastically improve your life and I am here to convince you why you need to look more into your life habits!

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

It is important to understand how much our habits affect us. To me, habits = lifestyle. The quality of your life is dictated by how you decorate and design your lifestyle. Think about the components that form your lifestyle; you have your interests, behavior, mindset, identity, interactions etc. Your habits will allow you to really curate the aspects of your lifestyle. How do you expect yourself to really find yourself and your identity if you don’t build the time in your life to explore it?

Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

Think of habits like the air in a room. It fills all the empty space and allows the room to be a place where you can breathe. It’s not something you see, but it is something you feel and need. If the air in your room is fresh and healthy, you’ll be able to live in it freely. But if the air filling the space in the room is polluted, is it really a room you want to be in?

Healthier habits could be anything: trying to be fit so exercising an hour a day, trying to be mentally healthier so perhaps journaling for five minutes, wanting to educate yourself so reading a book for half an hour. Habits are customizable and are there to make your days better.

Find your time to find yourself

Habits allow you to learn more about yourself. Everyone has 24 hours to try again, oftentimes, it’s the challenge of not having enough time to juggle everything in your life. Habits allow you to build a routine for yourself. You don’t need to have something absolutely rigid. It’s about maintaining a sense of control and order which will allow you to unlock your rhythm to your day.

Having a routine that instills these habits into you will allow you to unlock this. Productivity, happiness, better moods, time to relax, and so on — the things you desire might just appear in front of you if you allow discipline to enter your life and craft enough spaces of time for you to simply be you. Most people say there’s not enough time to do this or that, and usually that is true. If you don’t make your time using better routines along with healthier habits, you won’t have the time at all. But if you invest effort into this venture, it will only unlock these things for you, it will allow you to structure your day in a way that will allow you time for things you need to do & things you want to do.

Photo by Taya Iv on Unsplash

With healthier habits in place — you will be able to learn these things. Take it like growing a plant. You cannot expect it to grow without the necessities and the time given to nurture it. If you neglect to water that plant or care for it, sadly, it will die. Like each plant is different and needs different requirements, you too, are just like that. You are different from everyone else, don’t you think you need some nurturing and attention?

I question this:

What is your philosophy in life? What are your aspirations? Are you accomplishing the boxes you want to tick? Are you appropriately scheduling your work or could you find more time to relax? Do you need more polishing in some area in your life? Are you still hung up on wanting to do something you’ve always wanted to do?

The answer remains in the way you design your day. Dreams come closer, when you get closer to yourself.

Habits will let you guide yourself closer to your dreams because you unconsciously train yourself . What I mean by this is due to the amount of practice you need to put into habit building, you will soon be able to discipline yourself into putting in the work to guide yourself toward your dreams.

Be the main character of your life

Have you ever seen those people online who seem like they got their whole life together? I am not talking about just this image people online put up — I am talking about the essence of what they are trying to convey to the audience. The kind of life that everyone chases.

Healthier habits and a more efficient routine. That’s it. That is how you become the main character of your story.

Photo by Joseph Cooper on Unsplash

Becoming the main character is often synonymous with = looking good, feeling good, walking your talk. These things come with healthier habits in place because healthier habits will lead you to your better self.

If you curate the habit of exercising to your potential, eating healthy to the best of your abilities, blocking enough time to work and earn money — you are one step closer to unlocking the ideal self. But you get to decide what that looks like! You need to set aside time to find a way to sneak healthy habits into your day.

Life is about the little things. You need to learn skills and develop the mindset to absorb those things — habits will get you there. Habits teach you discipline and allows your mind to be present in the moment. You start to become a sponge — a person that is able to truly experience and absorb all the little things in life. There is no point in having a routine if it doesn’t allow you to go out there and experience whatever you need to.

All in all, habits allow you to enhance your life. When you start that journey to better yourself and your life, that really starts to improve the quality of your living. It is not about pressuring or forcing yourself to find your habits, remember that it takes time to find your rhythm and it is just about curating that time for yourself to find what works for you and what enhances your life.

QUESTION IT! is a series by Selena Fonseka where she picks a topic and starts to dig at it — outlining ideas, advice, rhetorics and so much more. Follow to keep up with her other two series: DEFINE IT! and SOLVE IT! where she dives deeper into topics thick with content!

A little bit about me as a writer: Being a Creative Strategist at Lock&Stock, a mobile app that promotes digital wellness, really inspires many of the things I write about. I am passionate about many subjects and Medium has become my main outlet to express my words. In my spare time, you’ll find me buried in either fantasy novels or books like Atomic Habits or Sapiens, where I gain a lot of the knowledge I share. I hope you enjoy my content! Follow and Subscribe for more!



Selena Fonseka

Creative Strategist at Lock&Stock | Part-time Blogger | Passionate about finding ways to curate a more fulfilling lifestyle so that’s what I write about!