Creating a self-injury recovery collage

Self Injury Foundation
2 min readMar 29, 2017


Alternatives, self-soothing and coping skills are key to self-injury recovery, especially when difficult emotions arise. But it isn’t always easy to remember to use them in the moment. This is where adding a visual reminder — a recovery collage — to your toolbox can be helpful.

One quick glance at your collage and seeing beloved pets, family, friends, dreams for the future, and favorite places or activities can serve as visual cues to self-soothe or distract when the urge to self-harm arises. Keep your finished collage somewhere prominent where you’ll see it when you need it. It’s a living document, so feel free to add and change your collage as often as you’d like.

Use old magazines, photos, markers, crayons or colored pencils, and any other materials that inspire to create your collage. Cut out images or words, or write and draw your own. Collages can also be made online using sites such as BeFunky or FotoJet, which allow you to upload photos and use their templates to create a custom collage.

Keep inspiration, soothing, distraction, and calming in mind, and use these examples to add visual reminders of the following to your recovery collage:

- Family, friends and pets as a reminder of those who care about you; ask friends and family to create meaningful drawings or messages to remind you you’re not alone
- Hobbies and activities such as reading, writing, drawing, playing sports, cooking, gardening, art, whatever it might be that brings you joy
- Your favorite everything: colors, movies, books, food, celebrity, animal, flower, vacation spot, etc., to remind you of comfort and pleasure
- Beautiful nature scenes or places you want to visit to spur visual safe spaces when you’re struggling
- Inspiring quotes or mantras to help get you through
- Representations of dreams and goals for the future, reminders of what you can look forward to

What does your recovery collage look like? Show us in the comments below!



Self Injury Foundation

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