4 Things To Take Into Consideration When You Sell iPod Nano

Sophia Clements
3 min readSep 3, 2018


These days, lots of people are becoming serious about upgrading to the newest gadgets or technology on the market. And if you are interested in doing so, it may be the right time to sell your outdated gadget such as your iPod Nano to generate some extra cash and buy a new one. Such gadgets are still quite popular for individuals who wish to have a separate gadget for listening to music. Now this is a good thing if you’re going to sell iPod Nano.

But before you decide to let go of your device, there are a few things which you need to think about. Here are some of them:

1. Backup then delete your iPod’s data

Certainly, the first thing that you ought to do is to make sure that you have backup data. This will just take short amount of time if you regularly backup your device’s information through iTunes or iCloud. Doing this will allow you to get your files and transmit or restore them on your new gadget anytime.

Once you are done copying your data or files, you can now delete the local copies on your gadget. Doing an over-all reset is a simple method for this. Nevertheless, it is always more secure that you remove everything stored on your iPod one by one, like images and audio tracks.

2. Unlink/unregister your iPod

The next step to do is not to leave user sessions that are signed in on your gadget. Signing out your Apple ID account will deactivate iTunes or iCloud-related functions on your iPod. Also, it is also strongly recommended that you unlink your gadget from the Apple’s website. By doing so, the iPod won’t be connected with your Apple ID.

3. Understand what you’re selling

Learning the correct specifications or functions of the device you are selling is vital. When you decide to sell iPod Nano, it’s not sufficient to be familiar with its variety or style. You should also be aware of the iPod’s storage space, operating platform, rated battery life and many more. You can research online in order to learn these things. And by doing so, you can easily answer the questions from the possible customers when it comes to the item that you’re selling.

4. Look for the proper place to sell your product

Selling a device directly might consume a lot of time and effort. Still, if you like this approach, then you may sell your iPod in different online marketplaces such as eBay. As an alternative, you can choose to sell it on various online trade-in solutions. Such services can offer an effortless and simple way to sell an iPod Nano. You only have to inform them what you are planning to sell, give them the correct information regarding the gadget, then they’ll let you know how much it’s worth. In addition, before you finally put your device on sale, don’t forget you ask around first to find the best deals on the market.

Here are some of the things which you ought to remember when you choose to sell iPod Nano. By remembering all of these things, you can sell your outdated gadget in a swift and hassle-free manner. And most of all, you can get extra money for buying an up-to-date gadget or perhaps use the cash for your upcoming travel!

