I’ve been teaching the boys how to cook.

On finding balance as a mom during COVID-19

It’s okay to not feel like Supermom right now (or ever).

Kirsten Gillibrand
3 min readMay 10, 2020


Balancing parenting and work can be a real challenge — but for me, as I can imagine it has been for many parents, it has felt particularly challenging during this pandemic. Like many families across the country who might be sheltered in place and working from home right now, my entire family has been cooped up in the house. Henry, Theo, Jonathan and I have all been adjusting to new work and school situations, and I’m still trying to find my balance, as I can only imagine you are too.

It’s been hard to remember every last thing needed to do! Just this week, I misread my own schedule because of the way time feels like a complete blur when you work from home. I was scheduled to speak on a Zoom virtual panel, but lost track of time and found myself doing some house chores and making lunch for the boys. Nick, who’s on my team, had to call to remind me it was happening — I said a few curse words, dashed out of the kitchen, slapped on some mascara, and raced to my computer to log on to the videoconference a few minutes late.

I guess you can say I’m still adjusting.

In spite of all of these changes, I’ve been really grateful for the extra time that I’ve been spending with the boys, especially now that they’re getting older. Theo is a teenager and Henry is a pre-teen! Can you believe that? I’ve been teaching them both how to cook. This week, Henry learned to make his favorite food, cheesy pasta, all on his own. And I taught Theo how to make his favorite chicken dish, teriyaki chicken with rice. Both boys have been great with helping around the house and doing their best at chores (other moms might know what I mean)!

Theo and Henry doing classes from home.

On this Mother’s Day, I am holding my mother, my grandmother, and all the wonderful moms in my life in my heart. But I also want to celebrate all of the moms across the country who are holding it up right now. Perhaps you might not feel like you have it together, or like you’re doing a good job, but I want you to know that it’s okay. It’s okay to not feel like Supermom right now (or ever). We are in strange, uncertain, and heart wrenching times, and we’re all trying to muddle through it and figure it out as we go. And to the moms who may not have the luxury of being able to work from home, who might be juggling impossible demands, who might have lost a job, who may be on that last rope, I am holding you in my heart today, too.

I’m also thinking of the mothers who might be in vulnerable living situations or need real help during this crisis, and all of the ways we can get them what they need. There are some great organizations doing vital work to support these women. If you can, make a donation to help them continue this important work. As we continue working through the new session of Congress, I will work as hard as I can so that we can ease the burden that this pandemic has put on so many of you.

Moms, you deserve the world today. I hope you get the chance to celebrate, and I want you to know that we will all get through this together. Happy Mother’s Day.



Kirsten Gillibrand

Mom to Theo, Henry and dog Maple. Wife to Jonathan. U.S. Senator from New York. She/her.