State Work Week Recap — February 2018

Mike Lee
4 min readMar 12, 2018


I do get back to Utah almost every weekend, but our break in Senate floor activity last month allowed me to spend some additional time traveling around Utah and meeting with constituents.

I was able to participate in a couple of meetings to discuss the opioid crisis we’re facing in America and in the state of Utah.

I met with Utah high schoolers and was able to listen to their concerns and answer questions they had.

I visited the Utah legislature and discussed important public lands issues as well as delivered my annual report, a yearly accounting of the work I’m doing in Washington to represent the great state of Utah.

I appreciate all the Utahns who took the time to meet with me, and I would like to highlight some of the visits I had:

Discussing the Opioid Crisis in Utah

I met with Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and Utah DEA Special Agent in Charge Brian Besser to discuss efforts to combat the opioid crisis in Utah. Together we developed an action plan to address the root causes of this issue.

My staff is doing great work researching the numbers and causes behind the opioid crisis as part of the Social Capital Project. You can view their work here.

Women’s State Legislative Council

I had the opportunity to speak to the Women’s State Legislative Council of Utah about issues I’m working on in Washington as well as address a number of questions they had. The WSLC is a bipartisan organization that meets weekly during the state legislative session.

The Other Side Academy

I met with some of the leadership and students at The Other Side Academy in Salt Lake. I was blown away by their stories, turning away from lives of crime and drug use toward lives of meaning and purpose. Their model is one that I believe could be emulated to the benefit of individuals across the nation.

The Other Side Academy does this with no government funding, giving them the freedom to run their program in the way they feel is most effective in the lives of their students.

Intermountain Healthcare — Opioid Crisis

I participated in a roundtable discussion with representatives from Intermountain Healthcare to discuss the opioid crisis in Utah, including the role the medical community can play.

Payment in Lieu of Taxes

I was able to be on the Utah House floor for a vote on legislation urging Congress to keep its promise to provide fair payment in lieu of taxes for all the federal land in the state of Utah. This legislation passed both the Utah House and Senate unanimously.

Annual Report to the Legislature and People of Utah

Each year, I give an accounting of my work in Congress to the Utah Legislature and the People of Utah. My annual report can be viewed on my website or you can obtain a copy by visiting one of my offices in Utah or in Washington, D.C.

UAC Rural Caucus

I was able to attend the Utah Association of Counties Rural Caucus meeting where we discussed a variety of issues including: Antiquities Act reform, wild horse and burro management, and water shed management.

Utah Manufacturers Association

I met with manufacturers from around the state to discuss issues critical to the future success of manufacturing in Utah.



Mike Lee

I am a United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington!