Senator Ted Cruz
5 min readNov 6, 2015

“Sovereignty resides with We the People. And the Constitution was created to lend power to government, not to give it, to lend it — and to lend it, I would suggest, only in good behavior. Thomas Jefferson referred to the Constitution as chains that bind the mischief of government — that sovereignty is an idea we need to get back to.” — SEN. TED CRUZ

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz asked for unanimous consent to pass a resolution to rename the plaza in front of the Chinese embassy in honor of Dr. Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner who has been imprisoned for peacefully advocating for basic political freedom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) refuses to allow.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) objected to Sen. Cruz’s efforts to honor pro-democracy dissident Dr. Liu Xiaobo, which prevented Sen. Cruz’s measure from passing.

This is the third time Sen. Cruz has attempted to pass this resolution and the third time that Sen. Feinstein has objected to its passage. Sen. Cruz’s first attempt can be viewed here, and his second attempt can be viewed here.

“In America, we should stand with victims of oppression. In America, we should stand with Christians being persecuted by the brutal communist totalitarian dictatorship. In America, we should stand for women’s rights, for women being forced to commit forced abortions. These are horrific acts of brutality. They are inhumane. They are contrary not only to American values, but to human rights across the globe.” — SEN. TED CRUZ

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz questioned the Hon. Stuart Delery, nominee for U.S. Associate Attorney General. Mr. Delery approved Operation Choke Point, a Department of Justice (DOJ) initiative that unconstitutionally sought to choke off access to banking services for gun dealers and other lawful business enterprises.

“The DOJ has an obligation to defend the Constitution, and instead, this Administration’s DOJ has consistently violated the constitutional rights of American citizens and has treated the Bill of Rights with contempt.”

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz asked for unanimous consent to pass #KatesLaw

Minority Leader Harry Reid objected to the request and blocked Kate’s Law from passage, contending Kate’s Law would be too costly to implement.

“If it costs too much to lock up murderers, rapists, kidnappers, then you know what? — We need to spend the money it needs to lock up every single murderer we can. I am sorry that the Democratic Party doesn’t want to spend the money to lock up murderers — apparently it is cheaper to lose our sons and daughters.” — SEN. TED CRUZ

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart introduced the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, urging the Secretary of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.

“We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible for the terrorism they advocate and finance. We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad.”

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz chaired a hearing focusing on the federal government’s failure to support the American victims of Iranian and Palestinian terror in their search for justice.

“This Administration has failed to support American victims of Iranian and Palestinian terror in their search for justice. That is a national disgrace.”

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz voted for a measure that nullifies the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers’ “Waters of the United States” rule, which massively expands the scope of federal authority over land and waterways in the United States.

“The EPA’s new WOTUS rule is unconstitutional, plain and simple. It is costly and tremendously harmful to families, farmers, and ranchers in #Texas and across the country and would allow the federal government to determine what one can and cannot do with his or her own property.”



Senator Ted Cruz

Representing the State of Texas in the United States Senate.