MOORLACH UPDATE — Quiet Bills, And Not So Quiet — May 3, 2018

John Moorlach
1 min readMay 3, 2018


Senate Bill 688 is one of my quiet mental health related bills (see

It’s very simple in that it will require counties to follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for their Mental Health Services Act reports and provide the data on the counties’ websites. The Voice of OCmentions it in the piece below.

Another quiet bill is SB 1363 (see MOORLACH UPDATE — Right to Peaceably Assemble — April 13, 2018).

However, there are bills that some of my colleagues write that are not quiet at all. For instance, AB 2943 by Assemblyman Evan Low is causing my phones to ring off the hook. I strongly oppose this bill and I’m not amused that a good segment of my constituency is upset by its introduction. If you’re one of them, and you’re making calls to Legislators, you can skip my office, please.


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John Moorlach

I represent California's 37th Senate District (R-Costa Mesa). Father, husband, CPA.