Celebrating Breast Cancer Survivors: Lazetta Bruce

Tim Scott
2 min readOct 20, 2016


October is #NationalBreastCancerAwarenessMonth, and to help spread awareness, I am sharing stories from survivors. Today’s story comes from Lazetta Bruce of Landrum, SC. She says that during her recovery treatments, she had good doctors, God and family to help her win the battle. Thank you for sharing your story and helping to raise awareness, Lazetta!:

In April 2015, I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive breast cancer which also affected my lymph nodes.

I have always been one to get an annual mammogram. I always schedule my appointment in conjunction with my birthday so I don’t forget. In 2015, I had an appointment scheduled, but prior to that I felt a lump in my breast during a self-examination. After a mammogram and a biopsy, it was confirmed that I did have cancer.

Never once did I say “Why me?” I had a positive attitude the entire time. I was more concerned about how my cancer was going to affect my husband, my son and my daughter. I always said that God had selected my to go on a special journey with him during the Summer of 2015. After my surgery, I spent my time crocheting toboggans to be donated to the Josey-Bearden Cancer Center for other cancer patients who were going through the same thing I was and had lost their hair.

I had seven chemo treatments and twenty-six radiation treatments. I was worried about how my son and daughter would react to me losing all of my hair. They told her not to worry because they go to The Citadel and are used to seeing cadets all the time with no hair.

I tell everyone how important it is to have annual mammograms. I tell my friends to listen to their body and if they have any doubt go to the doctor and get checked out. I believe attitude has a lot to do with cancer survival and having a good family and friend support system means everything. I did have difficult times during my treatment and recovery process, but I believe that with good doctors and family support my recovery was more successful and I was able to win my battle with breast cancer with the help of God.

Cancer doesn’t care about age, your goals in life, economic status or your gender. I think everyone probably knows someone who has been affected by cancer.



Tim Scott

Honored to represent the great state of South Carolina in the United States Senate. My #OpportunityAgenda works to provide opportunity for all Americans.