Tips to Increase Email Marketing ROI

7 min readFeb 13, 2017


Cover photo by Philippe Put (Flickr)

Email provides a good return on investment. No other channel except SEO is rated that high. ROI means how much money is earned in relation to the money spent. Marketing Sherpa’s survey shows that marketers viewed an email as a producer of strong ROI:

· Marketers admitted an average ROI of 119%

· Marketers of B2B and B2C reported the highest email marketing ROI at 127%

· Marketers who sent more than 100,000 emails per month estimated a 94% average ROI, while those who sent fewer than 100,000 messages per month averaged 139%

The graph below shows how marketers of different organizations estimate ROI from email marketing campaigns.

Let’s analyze the steps that maximize email marketing ROI.

1. Ask permission to sign up for your newsletter

Before starting to send emails, ask users to sign up for your newsletters. Otherwise, users will mark your email as spam.

2. Create a perfect email design

Human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. The research shows that 65% of users prefer email messages that are mostly images. That is why images, photos, and infographics play a great role in email templates. A visual design inspires users to read your email to the end and make the right decision.

If you’re not an experienced user of Photoshop, you can use the following simple applications for the visual design:

· Canva is an application for graphic design. You can choose from numerous images or photos, paste your text in it, change the background, and add various icons.

· PlaceIt is an application that helps to create an image on any subject. It contains many ideas on different topics: portrait, travel, health, music, children, education, and others. You just need to change the text and your image is ready.

· Piktochart is an easy-to-use application for infographics. Choose a template from the library of over 600 professionally designed templates and then add your text, fonts, and colors to make it unique.

3. Integrate social networks into the email

Integrate social networks with your emails. Adding the social network buttons to your emails allows you to widely publicize content and generate new leads.

4. Set a schedule for sending emails

Do not send messages too often or too rarely. “The real question isn’t, ‘How often can I email my customers?’ but rather, ‘How often do I have something interesting and relevant to say that my customers want to hear?’” said David Hallerman, email marketer senior analyst and author of recent report E-Mail Marketing: How to Improve ROI.

There is no clear rule of email frequency. One email per week is a minimum for effective work. If you send emails rarely, the subscriber will forget about you.

5. Segment your email list

Segmenting your email list allows you to send more targeted and relevant email campaigns for every group of your audience. Results of the eMarketer survey shows that segmenting your email list increases open rates, lowers unsubscribe rates, and produces greater revenue.

· By gender

As we know, women prefer special content and forms of material presentation. It might be more appropriate to use a pink background and sophisticated fonts for them in your emails. Men more easily perceive a balanced and constructive text with arguments and benefits of your offer. There should also be a difference in design elements. Segmenting by gender also allows you to include relevant products and services for women and men.

The effectiveness of this method was proved by Johnny Cupcakes. The company received a 42% increase in click-through rate, a 123% increase in conversion rate, and a 141% increase in revenue per one campaign after they implemented segmentation by gender.

· By browsing history, purchased products/services, and abandoned carts

What products did your subscribers browse? By tracking this information, you’ll get an answer to what your subscribers are interested in and what content to use in your emails for them. You can send email offers based on earlier orders, pages that subscribers visited, and abandoned carts.

Furniture and décor retailer Dot&Bo use this tactic in their email campaigns and offer a discount on wicker pendants that subscribers left in their shopping cart.

· By activity

Dividing your subscribers by activity lets you know who didn’t open your emails for a long time so you can launch a reactivation email campaign. Due to this method of segmentation, SwayChic increased their average open rate by 40%, doubled their average click-through rate, and tripled revenue for each campaign.

6. Subject line

Every day users send and receive over 100 billion messages. Without a perfect subject line, nobody will read your email. Write a useful subject line and avoid misleading text because subscribers may mark it as spam. Users very often flag as spam emails with following subject lines:

- For just $

- Act now! Don’t hesitate!

- No selling

- Earn per week

- Don’t delete

- Do it today

- Fantastic deal

- For free

- Profits

- Promise you

- Why pay more?

- And others

Create the subject line as an answer to the question “What is my email about?”

For instance, if you include a recipe in the email, write about it in the subject line:

If you offer a gift, explain how to get it:

If you send an invitation, let subscribers know why they should go there:

Offer solutions to issues:

7. Send different types of emails

Are you sure that sending the same type of emails could increase ROI? We recommend you set a schedule to include the following emails in your email campaigns plan:

· Welcome email

This type of email is set up once and sent out automatically every time a new user joins your email list. Welcome email produces the first impression and develops a positive brand image.

· Educational email

Send a new educational article, paste a useful video, give a piece of advice, and share your thoughts and ideas. You should focus on useful information and interesting facts in this type of email.

· Order confirmation and shipping notification email

The open rate of these emails exceed 75%. Order confirmation emails are sent when subscribers pay for their order. Include all the details in the email: client’s name, delivery address, quantity of products or services, and total price. Shipping notification emails let your subscribers know their package is on the way. Usually the sender includes a link to the carrier’s site where subscribers can track the shipment at every stage of delivery.

· Reorder email

Set this type of email if your company sells products or services that subscribers need regularly, such as vitamins, ink cartridges, contact lenses, or cosmetics. Remind them about these products in reorder emails before they run out.

· Congratulations emails

Send out this type of email on the eve of holidays and on subscribers’ birthdays. Show your respect by sending a discount coupon, special offer, or a gift. It’s a great way to build relationships and promote your products.

8. Include CTA buttons in every email

A call to action element draws subscribers’ attention and motivates them to act.

Avoid words like “download,” “sign up,” “send the information,” “buy now,” and others. Vin Gaeta, a blogger who writes on different digital marketing topics, said that these words irritate subscribers because it brings to mind things connected with commitment and jobs.

It’s better to use limited CTAs in one email. If there are too many messages telling subscribers what to do, then they could fail to take any action at all.

Include verbs that encourage your subscribers to act:

We hope that our tips help your email marketing to get the highest return on investment.

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