Unsupervised Learning of Object Landmarks through Conditional Image Generation

Jae Duk Seo
3 min readOct 28, 2019

We are going to learn key points → from generating the image very interesting. (the condition is on geometry differences → this is why the model is different from other generative models).

The image pair have different viewpoints → the goal of the model is to reproduce the original image. (and actually understand the key point differences) → Good idea.

Very interesting architecture of → how the source and target are used. (this method is simple as well as very easy to use → no complicated loss function → this is a huge advantage).

There is a lot of related work on this field → but they are not generative → is this the most optimal way? → unsupervised learning →…



Jae Duk Seo

Exploring the intersection of AI, deep learning, and art. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of multi-media production and beyond. #AIArt