Serenity Shield — The Power of Partnerships

Serenity Shield
Serenity Shield
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2022

In business, good partners are like good teammates. The best, most enduring legacies are usually built on the backs of partnerships that magnify the strengths of the respective partners. Particularly for new projects, the importance of pursuing and establishing this type of professional relationship cannot be overstated.

Serenity Shield is no different. Our novel solution will provide immense utility in the form of vastly improved account security and custody management to the market, and our early partners will be fundamental to our success. The project has partnered with several specialty firms and affinity groups, all of which will help bring Serenity Shield to the broader market.

MarketAcross — Our Marketing Partners

In the digital asset world, building market visibility for one’s project can be difficult. With so many new projects being released practically daily, cutting through the noise can be a challenge. Serenity Shield has chosen to collaborate with MarketAcross, the world’s leading blockchain public relations and marketing firm. Boasting a clientele that reads like a Who’s Who of the digital asset world, MarketAcross will provide Serenity Shield an immense visibility boost to our visibility. By lending their vast experience with PR, content marketing, brand reputation, social promotions, influencer outreach (KoL), SEO, and community growth, Serenity Shield has access to the highest echelon of marketing expertise. You can find more information about MarketAcross on their site,

Uniris — Our Cryptobiometry Partners

Great partnerships should also be based on common ground. With Uniris, that common ground is end-user security. Unlike our solution — which is NFT-based — Uniris has developed a powerful cryptobiometric security solution that enables storage and management of digital identities through smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing pieces of code that are managed on a blockchain. Uniris’ pure “individual keys” provide Serenity Shield users another level of protection encrypted digital, and even greater peace of mind. Their site can be found here:

Secret Network — Our Blockchain Storage Privacy Partners

While Serenity Shield was technically built on the Solana layer-1 chain, our partnership with Secret Network provides the key technology necessary to deliver our next-generation privacy solution reliably. Secret Network constructed its blockchain with data privacy as its guiding principle, the first blockchain of its kind with privacy-preserving smart contracts by default. Most smart-contract-supporting blockchains are public, meaning that all the data used in their smart contracts are publicly exposed. By supporting encrypted inputs and outputs, as well as encrypted states for smart contracts themselves, Secret Network provides Serenity Shield with the data privacy technology critical to storing sensitive information on the blockchain. Secret Network will enable Serenity Shield to be Web3-capable, bringing new and unique privacy functionality to our solution. More information on Secret Network can be found at their website,

Simont Braun — Our Regulatory Partners

Making sure Serenity Shield does business the right way is Belgian law firm Simont Braun. A Tier 1 Legal 500 firm, Simont Braun provides all of the necessary guidance and legal advice concerning the currently applicable Belgian regulatory framework on the services covered in our project. Visit them at:

FinTech Belgium — Our Professional Peer Group

Serenity Shield operates within a space renowned for its more social approach to development and growth. As part of the broader fintech community, it is important to both pursue and foster collaboration, knowledge, and cooperation within the space. Serenity Shield proudly partners with FinTech Belgium, a community for financial professionals, start-up entrepreneurs, and investors, who are interested in discovering and discussing disruptive business models and new tech solutions related to the financial services sector. This partnership will pave the way for new networking opportunities at both the national and European levels. To learn more about FinTech Belgium, follow this link to their page.

Serenity Shield is proud of these partnerships, as well as the ones yet to be announced. They will provide a great deal of strength and expertise to facilitate the further development of Serenity Shield.

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