How ServAdvisor Works — Artificial Intelligence

2 min readAug 13, 2018


AI and Stochastic optimization part 2

Due to the blockchain benefits, once the ServAdvisor models have continued learning and matured, they are open and accessible to everyone in the network. This way there’s no need in a centralized proprietary organization. It is important because currently, this authority is the ultimate one to determine the destiny of next developments.

A decentralized network of peers host rule sets (i.e. ServAdvisor smart contracts) to verify proposed transactions on a smart contract. The contracts can be used to define the manner in which various parties interact in a trustless, permissionless manner. And this type of network can lay the foundation for a platform. Data aggregation and deep learning models can be developed that would otherwise be too costly for centralized institutions to undertake.

In the age of mobile phones and tablets, these devices are the main computing devices for many people. Due to the fact that in today’s day and age, consumers are attached to their mobile device at the hip, there is a combination of rich user interactions and powerful sensors, leading to an unprecedented amount of data, which tends to be private in nature. Due to the sensitive nature of the data means there are risks and responsibilities to storing it in a centralized location. Therefore, the models taught on users data hold the promise of greatly improving usability by powering more intelligent applications.

There are several key problems that decentralized AI tackles, and provide the user the opportunity to take back control of their service experience.

The Blockchain is used as triple-entry accounting so we can track and authenticate the data sources. This allows to make great predictions and be able to audit the provenance of the data and perform data forensics and KYD or Know Your Data, processes.

People may be hesitant to share their service preference data over networks where strangers can be lurking. By decentralizing the data over all the users, it is cryptographically timestamped and becomes immutable. Furthermore, Neuron addresses HIPAA requirements by maintaining the information on the edge device, not in the cloud or on a centralized server.

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