“Cultural Similarities”

5 min readAug 31, 2022


I often talk about culture differences probably because of my experience of being in different countries who hope to be different from their neighbors. Which most display with differentiating flags. But the more I work on “Solar Governance Institute” I look at myself and others as Earthlings or people from earth. I start to see more “Cultural Similarities”.

In recent years I have seen many more flags that are supposed to represent or differentiate people.

On my way out of Montreal I noticed a lot more “Trans flags” which differentiates itself from the “Rainbow flag”. Then coming back to the United States of America, where there are so many United States of America flags. Then think of what I saw on social media of the “Thin Blue Line flags”.

So I questioned why do these people want to differentiate themselves so much?

That question led me to the relationship between Europe & Africa, probably because I was already thinking about it earlier, but in reality most families, gangs, villages, tribes, nations…etc have things that try to distinguish themselves so that members that have traveled away or not always around will be recognizable. Some European familie & Kingdoms have “coats of arms” that connect them to African families and Kingdoms. Some gangs have colors they wear. Many professions have uniforms. Then I thought how easy it is for people to replicate a coat of arms, or just wear colors, or fly a flag, that the individual doesn’t believe in or support the cause of.

Which gave me a new perspective on a number of conflicts that are being discussed.

Like the more encompassing (inclusive) conflict between the old establishment and new establishment, (not to be confused with old money vs new money, the main difference is usually being the different source of income or different family for new money while new establishment is the next generation of the same source of money or same family.)

Or Like the more niche conflict on sexuality and gender, which is also encompassed in the wider new vs old or the subtle more gentle conflict of working out what a group or community should do next aka getting a consensus.

The conflict around sexuality started far before me, but I notice it on a national level when legalizing homosexual (gay) marriage was being debated and churches were being pushed to allow gay marriages in their buildings. At that time I questioned why the gay community wanted to be a part of a religious institutions that openly rejects or disagrees with the gay communities as individual actions. While also thinking that some churches are making money by accepting money from individuals they normally would disagree with or reject. But as the conflict devolved I saw the trans community come to light even though I have never heard anything anywhere about the trans community prior to the gay community asking for marriage validation.

But I recently started seeing the “Cultural Similarities” about the difference between how people want their children treated vs how people want to be treated, and how different generations in different locations want different things for themselves and their children. In this “Culture Similarity,” I noticed a pattern of systems & tools of control used by old establishments and old money. Ideas like inheritance, which from my religious background I was told that inheritance was for the (Meek) weak… Obviously, that made sense because imagine your parents worked so hard to have a horse they could give their child, but a child of wealthy parents who were able to afford a horse is now able to buy or get a car. Why would you care or still want the horse if you could get yourself a car or a boat or plane or blimp? Inheritance is for the weak because the strong should be able to get that and more “theoretically”. BUT the old establishment uses inheritance as a tool to divide their children and control their behavior. Sometimes parents even block opportunities for their children so that their children are dependent on the inheritance that the parents provide. All in the name of Knowing what is best for their children, which sounds “culturally similar” to Kingdoms knowing what is best for their subject (citizen) or (people, possessive ownership noted).

Which, brought my train of thought back to the “Trans Community” conflict & struggle. When thinking about what people will do for money, success, or fame. Would sanctioning operations put people in danger of things the medical professionals see as atrocities in places like Africa?

Like, a number of instances probably still have sexist & probably racist stipulations like inheritance having to go to sons, and not daughter or daughter and not sons, or the offspring can’t have “one drop” or black blood or simply the child must be married…etc. I don’t know. The problem is that people I’m thinking mainly adults may force their children or spouses or subjects or slaves to do terrible things so that the adult can feel they can succeed or feel better about themselves. Some may say is unlike, because they already feel happy with themselves and have hope for their children but a number of people do not have that perspective and can be desperate. Even without that desperation, many parents have thinly veiled self-serving reasons of controlling or having the children be successful, hoping their children will be able to care for their parents, increasing adults or parents’ social status, or just trying to keep up with adults or parents social circles norms.

For Example:

Why These African Mothers ‘Iron’ Their Daughters’ Breasts


After seeing these examples we can see how these ideas or movements can be hijacked and used to abuse vast numbers of people. But I think one way of protecting everyone from these abuses could be removing sexist & racist barriers to giving their own family money or gifts. People are required to remove most of the barriers in order to give money or gifts to the public, but somehow the privacy and darkness of family abuse is par for the course #ThatsTheStuffIDontLike.

To recap, now that I think about it. I think that the new highlight of the transgender community is so that the gay community can conform to the old establishment churches' man & women doctrine of marriage. I don’t think the old establishment churches cares if people are hurt or abused as long as they “feel” like they maintain their strength and ability to force their men & women to rules in their own churches. By forcing people into calling themselves something that makes more sense to them. Like the even older establishment church would change the names of the people, they enslaved so that it would be conformed to their old establishment church or call anyone who didn’t go to church an animal or savage, allowing again for their actions of abuse & sin to be acceptable under their old establishment doctrine.




#Tourist I Don’t Know. I Try 🙂 🤡 Ask Questions. #Freedom #Forgiveness #Blessed #Learn Limerence with God