A Better Save Icon
The floppy disk is a prime example of short-sighted iconography. Kids these days don’t even know what a floppy disk is. It’s time to update this icon to something more timeless.
Admittedly, this is a tough one. I mean, if there were a better icon, it would have already taken it’s place by now, right?
Well heck, it’s almost 2016 and it’s time to come up with something better. Below are some ideas I’ve seen floating around, plus a few of my own.
Piggy Bank? — Although this connotes the idea of “saving” It doesn’t seem quite right.
Down arrow? — This communicates download to me. Every time.
Heart? — At best this implies saving something as a favorite.
Life Saver? — Perhaps, but I don’t see this catching on as it might be harder to distinguish at smaller sizes.
Unlock / Lock? — My issue with this one is that it more-so implies secure / unsecure, or permission access.
Cloud Indicators? — As everything starts to live “in the cloud” this might make for a more timeless identifier.
Buttons? — Maybe I’m overthinking this and the best way to communicate “Save” might just be with the word itself.
Something Arbitrary? — How did power, bluetooth, and wifi become synonymous with these symbols? Maybe the save icon could grab some random goodness of it’s own?
Unfortunately, I don’t have the perfect answer. But hopefully some smart people will read this and come up with a better solution.
If you have an idea, feel free to comment below, or hit me up on Twitter. I’ll be glad to do a follow up post based on the feedback I get.
Here’s to a #BetterSaveIcon for 2016.
All the best,