Let’s Reverse Engineer the Instagram Design Brief

Seth Coelen
2 min readMay 25, 2016


So. Instagram redesigned their logo, and people went crazy. #FirstWorldProblems

Not too soon after that critics of the critics swooped in and made a few good points. Some said we shouldn’t judge because we weren’t in the meetings deciding the goals & expectations of the new logo. Others pointed out that you don’t have the brief, requirements, constraints, etc.

So, what requirements would you need to have to end up with the current Instagram logo?

in the spirit of good fun, let’s reverse engineer the brief, requirements, restraints and possible comments made in the design meetings. I’ll start us off.

  • Trendy, but not
  • Let’s push the boundaries
  • No, let’s really push the boundaries
  • That looks good, but use your left hand this time
  • Think IOS 8, but on drugs
  • Gradient 3.0! 🤗
  • I have a nephew who knows how to work the Photoshop
Source https://twitter.com/codysanfilippo/status/730406792140890117
  • If flat design had a baby with a sunrise gradient & the ocean
  • If a unicorn ate skittles & taco bell at the same time…
  • Something unique and recognizable
  • ehh..not what we’re after, but these will look great in our branding video
  • Guys, our app is the only app left in the app store that still has a skeuomorphic app icon

Keep it going, post your design brief requirements in the comments below!

