The Day After Bobo-Dioulasso

22nd March 2016

2 min readJan 15, 2017

Day 24 of ± 189

SOLAR (POUR?) L’ENVIRONNEMENT — this was complete when we passed it again a few hours later — Is Africa developing faster than the West? Taken in Ouagadougou.
Regular moped scene entering Bobo-Dioulasso.
‘BON POISSON, BON PRIX’ — Glass bottles of petrol acting as the fill-up station for passing mopeds. Farm gardens in the background as we come to the outskirts of Ouagadougou.
On the road…

Leaving early to make Ouagadougou before midday, we continue to drive one of the best, smoothest, most new roads so far — this one funded by L’Union Européene, it makes our journey from Bobo to Ouaga flow easily. The Burkinabé are extremely friendly and grin and wave, happily but with some shy dimples and slightly downcast eyes, as we pass through small village after small village. Mud houses, thatched rooves and bottle stands of “Total” petrol parted neatly by the smooth black tar, the neat white lines broken perfectly evenly, our forward motion causing them to recede into the horizen a white dotted blur, huge green trees casting large dappled shadows across their path.

Riding high — not sure exactly where, perhaps midway between Bobo and Ouaga.
Evening bush camp between the two cities, Silhouetted left to right: Kiwi Tom & María.
The ground stays warm long after the tiny flies stop buzzing into our ears and the sun melts behind our horizon.

Tomorrow → Day 25: 24th.March.2016 — OUAGA on a MOPED



