Thou Shall Hate Thy Women, Forever — Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Daniel Edwards


S. Alam
3 min readDec 11, 2016

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you will bring forth children; yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” — Genesis 3:16

Let’s just admit now, that the God of Genesis or any other version of the Abrahamic, Greek or Prehistoric God was absolutely sexist and erred in passing on the reigns of this world to the lesser of the two creations.

Even if we discount the absolute barbarianism of the Man’s World of the Genesis, Ancient History or Middle Ages, its time for the human race to start evaluating the effect of Man’s Rule on this world after the onset of Modern History.

We have discounted, subjugated and denied the right to hand over the reigns of this world to the better half of its population for a very long time.

We have never even tried during the span of recorded history to admit that we, men, have actually screwed up and failed this world repeatedly and without remorse, and yes it time for us to pass on the baton to the better-abled.

We wanted to be the perpetual decision maker for planet earth, even while we were screwing it, one decision at a time.

Let’s just give you a brief and remarkable list of man-made decisions or disasters — To start with, we created Religion and put up a Male Deity to revere, praise and pray. Only a male can put another male on such high pedestal, given a chance, women would create a more holistic, easy going entity, with a little less value and overreach in our day-to-day lives.

We launched the idea of Prophets and Godmen into mainstream.

Males created the idea of war to settle score.

The Final Solution came out of a male brain, so did the Nuclear Bomb. Almost all Dictators, the world over have been males, so were Mad men, hence the name.

Global warming, predatory capitalism, torture and most other garden variety evils can easily be traced back to the mail brain (may be, we can discount torture, that probably was invented by women).

The list is endless and I am surprised on why we haven’t accepted our failures and handed over the regime to the ones who might be able to correct things a bit.

What we did instead was to create an environment of constant insecurity for them, in their minds and outside it.

They’ve got to be thinner, fairer or tanner, boobs should be perkier, bigger-ass, thigh gap, chin, smile, teeth, the list is exhaustive. On the outside, we defined roles for them even where none existed. We hire a woman as a personal assistant to a CEO, who more often than not, is a man.

We decide, when she is grown enough to have sex, or old enough to rush into becoming a baby-making machine. We decide when she can or cannot abort a pregnancy. Men try to create rules, and bound the ones capable of producing them, with those rules. We do all this and much more to retain control of this world that we have done so pathetically for the past thousands of years.

We label them, we label Womanhood in general, and in every area we can.

Why the hell should Google or Apple come up with a voice assistant named CORTANA & SIRI?

We live in a society that has labeled and boxed women to be the helping hand or the assistant, never the lead.

A woman Secretary of State, good, a President, not so good.

Right, we have some women leading countries, corporates and institutions.

But that isn’t enough, to make this world a level playing field for both the genders, we should now restrict men from taking any position of absolute power for the next 5000 years.

Let’s create a glass ceiling for men and see if they can break it in the next thousand years. Be it the Head of the State or a CEO, it should be a norm to have only women on top.

To hell with the Missionary Position.



S. Alam

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