Staying accountable for learning effectiveness

Shaan Shah
2 min readJan 7, 2017

To accomplish most goals it requires an individual to take care of certain tasks regularly. Unfortunately, taking care of these things and staying accountable is quite hard. I somehow manage to shower and brush my teeth. If only my habits were as consistent as those habits.

For me, I want to improve as a soccer player, so my goal is to practice six days a week. Certain weeks I do good job of succeeding at practicing consistently. Sometimes, however, I find myself distracted by life’s distractions like travel, social obligations, and other work. How can I ensure I am consistent with my habit and I stay accountable?

Keep a log.

When Jerry Seinfeld was still an up-and-coming comedian, it was his goal to write down a joke every day. Every day that he wrote down a joke, he marked and ask on the calendar. Similarly, my plan is to log every day that I succeeded at performing the task I determined. With my personal goal of preparing for a documentary, I want to record content of myself (1) attempting to improve as a soccer player and (2) myself expressing my thoughts about this journey of improving as a soccer player. I plan to log the dates I succeed using the Clear app.

Have an accountability group.

In weight watchers, a group of individuals are scheduled to meet every week to discuss their diet. Similarly, I believe it can be useful for anyone looking to stay accountable to create a group like this where you regularly discuss how you are doing at being consistent with your habit. At these discussions, I think it would be valuable to discuss the past and the present. What has and has not gone well in the past and what is your plan for the future. My goal is to seek individuals that want to have this discussion on a weekly basis. Ideally, I would do this in person or over the phone. Worst case, I will do this over email. Excited to try this out!

What do you do to stay consistent with your habits and to stay accountable?

What went well and what did not. A plan for next week

