How Google’s AI is Revolutionizing Our Understanding of the Brain & Intelligence

Shahab Hasan
5 min readJun 18, 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and neuroscience, groundbreaking collaborations are paving the way for transformative discoveries. One such collaboration, between researchers from Harvard University and Google DeepMind, has achieved a monumental breakthrough. By creating an artificial neural network capable of controlling a virtual rat’s movements within an ultra-realistic physics simulation, these researchers have opened unprecedented avenues for understanding the intricacies of brain function and motor control.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Constructing a Virtual Rat: The Biomechanical Marvel

The first monumental task in this groundbreaking project was to construct an accurate biomechanical model of a rat’s body within a sophisticated physics simulator known as MuJoCo. This virtual rat had to adhere to the laws of physics, incorporating factors such as gravity, friction, and the musculoskeletal mechanics of a real rodent. The researchers leveraged a vast dataset of high-resolution motion data recorded from real rats, capturing their natural behaviors and movements. This rich source of information was essential for building and validating the virtual rodent model.

However, creating an anatomically accurate rat body was merely the first step. The true challenge lay in developing an artificial neural network capable of learning to control this virtual body’s biomechanics. This neural network needed to replicate the diverse movements observed in the biological data.

The Power of Deep Reinforcement Learning

Enter Google DeepMind’s expertise in machine learning. The researchers from DeepMind collaborated closely with Harvard to apply advanced deep reinforcement learning techniques to train the artificial neural network, which would serve as the virtual rat’s brain. They employed an approach known as inverse dynamics modeling, a concept rooted in how our own brains are theorized to control complex movement.

When you reach for a glass, your brain doesn’t manually control each muscle. Instead, it rapidly calculates the desired trajectory and translates that into the required forces and torques to execute the movement smoothly. Similarly, the virtual rat’s neural network was fed reference motion trajectories from the real rat data. Through deep reinforcement learning, it learned to output the precise pattern of forces needed to actuate the virtual body’s joints and musculature to recreate those trajectories in the simulation.

What makes this even more remarkable is the neural network’s ability to generalize its learned behaviors. It could produce realistic rat movements and behaviors it was never explicitly trained on, exhibiting broad generalization capabilities akin to a biological brain.

Insights into Real Brain Function

With the virtual rat brain successfully controlling the biomechanical model, the researchers could then probe the activations and dynamics within the neural network to gain insights into how real rat brains might control movement. Astonishingly, they discovered that the patterns of neural activity in the virtual brain aligned closely with neural recordings made from the motor cortex and other brain regions in behaving rats. This suggests that the deep learning algorithm discovered internal models and motor control principles similar to those employed by biological brains.

One key property of the virtual brain was its ability to spontaneously transition between different operational regimes based on context, mirroring how rodent brain dynamics switch between distinct patterns for various behaviors like grooming, running, or rearing. The researchers also analyzed how the network dealt with redundancy since there are typically multiple ways to achieve a given movement trajectory. The virtual brain implemented a minimal intervention strategy, making only the necessary corrections and avoiding unnecessary expenditure of energy or forces, aligning with theories of optimal feedback control in biological motor systems.

A New Paradigm in Neuroscience

This virtual rat brain represents a new paradigm for investigating motor control and broader brain function. It provides a transparent and controllable model of the entire brain-body-environment control loop in simulation. This approach, dubbed virtual neuroscience, allows neuroscientists to probe and perturb an accessible model, testing theories about how neural circuits implement specific computational processes like state estimation, predictive modeling, and optimizing costs and rewards.

Moreover, the virtual rat platform enables the construction of simulated neural networks with arbitrary architecture, connectivity patterns, neuron properties, and learning rules. This allows researchers to observe how these configurations give rise to emergent dynamics and behavioral capabilities. It’s a transparent window into the neural mechanisms behind both overt actions and covert cognitive processes.

Implications Beyond Neuroscience

The implications of this advancement extend beyond neuroscience. This approach has immense potential for revolutionizing robotic control by reverse-engineering how biological intelligence emerges from distributed neurodynamics. While classical control theory has given us robots capable of performing specific pre-programmed routines, modern AI and deep learning have already demonstrated an ability to generalize and respond to open-ended, real-world environments more flexibly and intelligently.

By studying how the virtual rat brain coordinates its virtual biomechanics, roboticists can abstract out the core principles and neural architectures responsible for biological intelligence and port them into new robotic platforms. This could lead to robots that dynamically adapt their control strategies in response to their environments, develop realistic general movement skills, optimize force and energy expenditure like animals do, and maintain robust operation despite sensor or mechanical failures.

The Broader Impact of AI-Driven Simulation

The integration of high-fidelity physics modeling with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques is a powerful new paradigm for tackling intricate problems across various domains. For instance, in materials science and chemistry, virtual prototypes of new materials can be simulated to accelerate the design and discovery of novel compounds with customized properties for energy storage, catalysis, and quantum computing.

Similarly, in aerospace engineering, AI-driven virtual models can optimize aircraft and propulsion system designs through realistic simulations of aerodynamics and turbulent fluid flows. Even fundamental physics projects, like the virtual muon experiments at Fermilab, are leveraging differentiable simulation and AI to analyze massive particle collision data, providing new insights into the nature of matter and forces at the subatomic scale.

As virtual modeling capabilities improve, the potential for creating digital twins or simulations of entire cities, societies, economies, and ecosystems becomes a reality. These massive multiplayer simulations could allow us to play out scenarios and policies before implementing them in the real world, ushering in a new era of science and technology-driven by cutting-edge simulations in AI.

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

The Harvard-Google DeepMind collaboration has ushered in a new frontier of neuroscience and artificial intelligence by creating a virtual rat brain that unlocks the secrets of real brain function. This groundbreaking achievement not only provides unprecedented insights into motor control and cognition but also opens the door to revolutionary advancements in robotics and AI-driven simulation across various scientific domains. As we continue to explore the potential of these technologies, the future of understanding and engineering complex systems looks incredibly promising.




Shahab Hasan

A motivated and enthusiastic young individual with passion for advancing in the artificial intelligence industry. Studying Applied AI at Hong Kong University.