Software is feeding the software world

Shakeel Rashed
1 min readMar 4, 2023


March Andressen — Software is eating the world

“Software is eating the world..”, this phrase by the great tech sage, investor, Marc Andreesen of A16Z has been repeated thousands of times in various articles, interviews, podcasts and every discussion on the business of software.

That may be true but watching the markets, what seems even more true is — Software is feeding the software world.

The whole ecosystem feeds itself. What may look like competition is more cooperation and all boats rise together in tech. Take the largest of the companies. Most iPhone users are familiar that any search they do including via SIRI goes through google. This is worth billions of $$$ for Apple every year. Amazon spends a huge amount of money on both Google and Facebook. Microsoft for many years made money from Android phones due to their patents and in turn Apple paid Microsoft Azure and Amazon for hosting iCloud at one point. This is billions of $ being passed around between these software giants.

In the next few posts, I will get into details on how software industry feeds itself, from cloud and infrastructure services to building blocks and the startup ecosystem.



Shakeel Rashed

Emerging tech, Innovation & Startups. AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Sciences. Love the biz of tech & how it effect every part of our life today.