A Comprehensive Guide to Namaz: Tarika, Dua, and Surah

Shakir A. Khan
5 min readSep 1, 2023

Namaz, also known as Salah or prayer, is one of the most fundamental acts of worship in Islam.

It is a means of establishing a direct connection with Allah (SWT) and seeking His guidance and blessings.

To understand the correct way to perform Namaz in Hindi, follow these steps:

  1. Namaz ka Tarika

2. Dua

3. Surah

4. Namaz Rakat Calculator

A Comprehensive Guide to Namaz: Tarika, Dua, and Surah

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the Namaz ka Tarika (the method of performing prayer), explore the significance of Duas in Namaz, and discuss the importance of reciting Surahs during prayer.

Namaz ka Tarika (The Method of Performing Prayer)

Namaz is not merely a physical ritual; it is a spiritual act of devotion and submission to Allah.

Namaz ka Tarika

Performing it correctly is of utmost importance for a Muslim. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the method of performing Namaz:

1. Wudu (Ablution): Before starting Namaz, it’s crucial to perform Wudu, the ritual purification of the body. This involves washing the face, hands, mouth, nose, arms, and feet in a specific manner, ensuring cleanliness and purity.

2. Facing the Qiblah: Stand facing the Kaaba in Mecca, known as the Qiblah, which is the direction that Muslims worldwide face during prayer.

3. Intention (Niyyah): In your heart, make a sincere intention for the specific prayer you are about to perform, whether it’s Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, or Isha.

4. Takbir al-Ihram: Raise your hands to your ears, saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest). This marks the beginning of your prayer.

5. Qiyam (Standing): Recite Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, followed by another Surah or some verses from the Quran.

6. Ruku (Bowing): Bend at the waist, keeping your back straight, and your hands on your knees, saying “Subhana Rabbiyal Azim” (Glory is to my Lord, the Exalted).

7. Sujood (Prostration): Go down to your knees, forehead, nose, both palms, both knees, and toes touching the ground. In this position, say “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (Glory is to my Lord, the Most High).

8. Qa’dah (Sitting): Sit on your heels, reciting the Tashahhud (a declaration of faith) and other Duas.

9. Sujood (Prostration) Again: Repeat the prostration as in step 7.

10. Tashahhud: Finish by reciting the Tashahhud again and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

11. Tasleem: Conclude your prayer by turning your head to the right and saying “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) to both sides.

Remember that the number of units (Rak’ahs) and specific Surahs or verses recited during each prayer may vary depending on the time of day and the type of prayer. It’s crucial to learn the specific details for each prayer and follow them diligently.

The Significance of Duas in Namaz

Duas are an integral part of Namaz. They are the moments when you can pour out your heart to Allah, seek His guidance, and ask for His blessings. Here are some important Duas and when they are recited during prayer:

A muslim man in ruku position during salah

1. Duas in Ruku (Bowing): While in the Ruku position, you can recite the following Dua: “Subhana Rabbiyal Azim” (Glory is to my Lord, the Exalted).

2. Duas in Sujood (Prostration): During Sujood, you can make personal supplications, asking for forgiveness, guidance, and blessings. This is the time when you are closest to Allah.

3. Tashahhud: In the final sitting position (Qa’dah), you recite the Tashahhud, which is a declaration of faith and a testimony of the Oneness of Allah.

4. Duas in the Qunoot: In the Witr prayer, there is a special Dua called the Qunoot, which is recited after the Ruku in the second Rak’ah. It’s a moment to ask Allah for His mercy and guidance.

5. Duas after Tasleem: After concluding the prayer, you can make personal Duas, asking for anything you need or desire.

Duas are not limited to these moments in prayer; you can make Duas at any time and in any language.

The key is to pray sincerely and with conviction, knowing that Allah is always ready to listen to His servants.

The Importance of Reciting Surahs in Namaz

Reciting Surahs during Namaz adds depth and spiritual significance to your prayer.

The Importance of Reciting Surahs in Namaz

The Quran is the word of Allah, and its recitation holds great merit. Here’s why Surahs are recited during prayer:

1. Connection with Allah: Reciting Surahs in Namaz helps you establish a direct connection with Allah. It’s a means of communicating with Him through His own words.

2. Spiritual Enrichment: The Quran is a source of spiritual nourishment. When you recite Surahs during prayer, you allow the words of Allah to cleanse and purify your heart and soul.

3. Guidance and Reflection: Many Surahs contain guidance, wisdom, and lessons for life. By reciting them during prayer, you can reflect on their meanings and apply them to your daily life.

4. Reward and Blessings: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of reciting the Quran in prayer. Each letter of the Quranic text recited carries immense reward.

5. Focus and Concentration: Reciting Surahs helps you maintain focus and concentration during prayer. It prevents your mind from wandering and distractions.

Incorporating Surahs into your daily prayers is a beautiful way to deepen your relationship with the Quran and strengthen your faith.


Namaz is a vital pillar of Islam, and performing it correctly is essential for every Muslim.

Understanding the Namaz ka Tarika, the significance of Duas, and the importance of reciting Surahs in prayer is crucial for a fulfilling and spiritually enriching worship experience.

By following the prescribed method of Namaz, offering heartfelt Duas, and reciting meaningful Surahs, you can strengthen your connection with Allah and lead a more spiritually fulfilling life as a devout Muslim.



Shakir A. Khan

Assalamu Alaikum! I'm Shakir A. Khan, an Islamic student with a passion for promoting knowledge, understanding, and harmony through the teachings of Islam.