Unmasking the MODEL Citizen: Deconstructing Modern Life’s Conditioning and Fostering Authentic Individuality

Shaleen Agarwal
3 min readJul 5, 2023


Are you living life on your own terms? Or have you been subtly maneuvered into the archetype of a Mediocre, Obedient, Dependent, Entertained, Lifeless (MODEL) citizen? Like the invisible strings guiding a puppet, unseen forces may be subtly shaping your actions, molding you into a predictable, compliant cog in a vast machine. Let’s pull back the curtain, dissect these influences, and map out a route to true personal autonomy.

Section 1: Education — The Birth of Conformity

An Assembly Line of Standardized Minds

When it comes to education, a systemic adherence to an industrial age ethos persists. Our schools, much like factories, churn out standardized ‘products’ — students who are taught to value conformity over creativity. The suppression of individuality in favor of uniformity may seem innocuous, but this lays the foundation for the MODEL citizen.

The Creativity Crisis

Unfortunately, this monotonous approach to learning often stymies creativity and critical thinking, casting a long, obstructive shadow over the lifelong learning journey. It’s high time we question the system that stifles the unconventional wisdom, innovation, and individuality that our rapidly changing world desperately needs.

Section 2: The Corporate Carousel — The Obedience Factory

“I Work, Therefore I Am”

In our work-centric culture, our identity is often inseparable from our jobs. A relentless 9-to-5 schedule becomes a testament to our productivity, a remnant of the industrial era we unwittingly uphold. This creates a cycle of perpetual burnout, stripping away our joie de vivre, and reducing us to mere economic units.

The Autonomy Illusion

Underneath the veneer of professional success and stability, the corporate structure is usually top-down. It’s a system where power is concentrated at the apex, leaving little room for individual autonomy. This environment of controlled obedience subtly nudges us into becoming a MODEL citizen.

Section 3: Social Media & OTT Platforms — The Entertainers Who Never Rest

Scroll, Like, Share, Repeat

We are incessantly engaged, scrolling through endless feeds, immersed in the digital spectacle. The powerful algorithms of social media and OTT platforms cleverly commodify our attention, crafting an entertained yet lifeless citizenry.

Binged and Bound

The enthralling world of OTT platforms, with its ever-available content, plays into our innate desire for narrative and connection. But this also fosters a passivity, an addiction to entertainment that binds us into a loop of constant consumption.

Section 4: Gaming Industry — The Dependency Dealers

The Great Escape

Video games provide a vibrant escape from reality, and this escapism can quickly turn into dependency. Games are designed to draw us into a virtual world that’s often more exciting, rewarding, and controllable than real life, setting the stage for a dependent populace.

From Player to Puppet

Gaming companies employ various psychological techniques, such as reward systems and social competition, to hook players. These manipulative tactics raise serious questions about autonomy and free will.

Section 5: Societal Norms & News — The Mediocrity Manufacturers

Echoing the Herd

Societal norms shape our perceptions, choices, and sense of self. We often conform without questioning, sacrificing our individuality at the altar of societal acceptance. This unexamined adherence to norms fuels the mediocrity that’s synonymous with the MODEL citizen.

Fear, Fury, and Sensationalism

In our hyper-connected world, news agencies capitalize on our inherent negativity bias. Sensational headlines, alarming narratives, and polarized perspectives hijack our attention and emotional responses, leaving us fearful, outraged, and, most importantly, engaged.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Compass — The Path to Purpose, Autonomy, and Mastery

Awareness of these influences is the first step in dismantling the MODEL citizen’s programming. Embrace critical thinking, foster emotional intelligence, seek balanced information, and cultivate healthy digital habits. Challenge societal norms and create personal ones. Realize that it’s okay to disconnect from the constant chatter of the world to connect with your inner self.

It’s time to shatter the MODEL citizen mold and redefine your life on your own terms. A more purposeful, autonomous, and masterful life is within your grasp.

So, are you ready to reclaim your personal autonomy? It’s a journey worth embarking on, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share your insights, engage with the community, and let’s start a powerful conversation.



Shaleen Agarwal

Life Strategist | Founder @ Jovva | Navigating life's chaos