Clash of the Claws: Wolverine vs Sabretooth

Shamarie Knight
2 min readNov 15, 2023

Under the scorching sun, Wolverine and Sabretooth faced off in the deserted streets of New York City. Tension hung in the air as they circled each other, their claws glinting in the harsh light.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, Logan,” Sabretooth growled, his eyes narrowing into slits.

Wolverine remained silent, never taking his eyes off his opponent. He knew that words wouldn’t matter in this fight — it would come down to who was the better fighter.

Sabretooth lunged forward with a snarl, aiming his claws at Wolverine’s chest. Wolverine dodged to the side and retaliated with his adamantium claws flashing in the sunlight. The two mutants clashed, metal on metal echoing through the empty streets.

As they fought, the world around them seemed to fade away. All that mattered was the clash of claws and their heavy breathing.

“You’ll never beat me, Logan,” Sabretooth hissed, a feral grin on his face.

Wolverine didn’t respond, keeping his eyes locked on Sabretooth’s. He knew that he had to stay focused to come out on top.

The fight raged on, with the two mutants evenly matched in strength and skill. They traded blows, each determined to deliver the final blow.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Wolverine saw his opening. With a roar, he lunged forward, aiming his claws at Sabretooth’s throat. Sabretooth tried to dodge, but it was too late. Wolverine’s claws sank deep into his flesh, and he let out a guttural scream.

The fight was over. Wolverine stood there, breathing heavily, as Sabretooth lay bleeding and defeated on the ground.

“You’ll never beat me,” Sabretooth whispered, his voice barely audible.

Wolverine didn’t respond. He walked away, knowing he had emerged victorious in the ultimate showdown with his greatest adversary.

By Shamarie Knight



Shamarie Knight

A visionary, a realist and a planner. Discipline and perseverance. Dynamic and efficient. A winner at all costs that strived to be the best at what I do.