Who will you vote for in 2020?

Shaniyah Williams
2 min readJun 10, 2020


Information about the 2020 Presidential Candidates.

The United States Presidential election is November 3, 2020.

Most states have already had their primary election except for a couple, but that will not change who are the presidential candidates.

In the Democratic primary, candidates must earn 1,991 delegates to win the nomination and Joe Biden earned 2,011 beating Bernie Sanders by 964 delegates.

Donald Trump beat Bill Weld by 1,900 delegates. The Republican primary is different from the democratic primary , candidates must earn 1,276 delegates to win the nomination. From the looks of this data almost all of the Republicans voted for Trump.

This is Trumps second time running for president and if he win it will be his second term. During his first term, there was a lot backlash and commotion because he did not follow the rules. He basically just said anything he wanted to no matter how offensive it might have been.

On the other hand, Joe Biden is a well know politician that has been around for years. He was vice president for 8 years so he knows the in and outs of this position. He has ran for president a couple of time in his earlier years, but did not succeed. This time he might be lucky.

This comparison infographic outlines the basic information for both candidates. It talks about their vision(s) for the country, their slogan and gives background information on them.

Before going out to vote, make sure you brush up on the two candidates.

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*NOTE: As of June 10, 2020 Joe Biden has 2,144 delegates and Donald Trumps has 2,012. From USA Today.



Shaniyah Williams

UIC Senior. Double major: Communications and Sociology. Journalist. Chicago,IL