ShareRing Pitchfest!



SEEKING creative entrepreneurial types who want to make a big impact in the Sharing Economy!

Got an emerging business idea that is a candidate for ShareRing’s platform being launched in November 2018?

You’ve got one week to put together and submit a short pitch for our consideration. We’re going to choose two submitters to take on an innovation journey with us.

Here’s the details.

The submission

  1. You decide what format or form your submission takes. Be creative — we’d love to see what you come up with. However, give us something that won’t take longer than 5 minutes to read or watch.
  2. You can submit as an individual or a group.
  3. The content of your submission needs to cover these essential points:
  • Who is the target audience
  • If the idea is for local or global
  • How this will benefit the sharing community
  • What is required to build or make it happen

4. In submitting a pitch, you make a commitment to take an innovation journey. This commitment means:

  • Able to travel to Hong Kong on a valid passport/visa for the period Wed 2— Fri 4 May
  • Presenting your 5 minute pitch in English to an audience of 120 people on Thu 3May 2018
  • Your time and effort to develop your idea in the time period May to Nov 2018
  • Your collaboration in promoting your idea as a part of the ShareRing pilot program.

5. Your idea and submission remains your IP.

6. Use this form to get your submission to us:

7. We need to receive your submission no later than Sun 15 April, 12:00am AEST.

8. Sorry but current ShareRing employees or family members are unable to submit.

The choosing process

  1. Our team at ShareRing will review all submissions and make the choice of two worthy candidates.
  2. We’ll be looking for things like:
  • A business concept that has not yet been developed into a business (the concept doesn’t need to be new or original)
  • A business concept that can be built into the sharing economy and involves the sharing of tangible items
  • A business concept that can realistically be developed in 4 months to be on the newly launched ShareRing platform
  • If you’re stuck for ideas, have a look at our website and white-paper for inspiration.

3. The decision of the ShareRing team will be final and there will be no direct correspondence to those who weren’t chosen.

4. We’ll directly advise the two chosen candidates by Friday 20 April.

5. We’ll publicly advise who we chose on our Telegram Announcement Channel ( here: ) on Sunday 22 April

The reward for the chosen

If you and your idea are chosen, we will:

  • Pay an economy class airfare, accommodation and food for a 3-day trip to Hong Kong for one person (you can extend your stay in Hong Kong with accommodation and food at your own expense)
  • Support you in giving your public pitch at a ShareRing Hong Kong launch
  • Share our team’s expertise with you to further develop your idea after the Hong Kong event
  • If your idea reaches sufficient business maturity, we’ll put your business on the ShareRing platform when it launches in Nov 2018
  • Once your business goes live on the ShareRing platform, we’ll award you 1 million ShareRing Tokens on the ShareLedger
  • Consider investing directly in your business — an opportunity, not a commitment!

Any inquiries about this Pitchfest can be directed to




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