The Man Who Fell in Love With The Moon…

Part 1

Shari M
2 min readApr 25, 2017

Argh. I’m stuck.

Really? Why are you stuck?

I don’t know! I just can’t write the story!

Okay. Why do you want to tell this story? How did you even come up with this idea?

I don’t know. I just thought it would be a good story to tell.

Why would it be a good story? What makes you think people would like it?

It’s not just about who would like it… I like it. It’s a beautiful story.

What makes it worth telling?

That man… the love he feels… It’s… It’s a beautiful love. Beautifully unsual. Inhuman. Almost divine. A love that no other could understand. So strong, so deep, so intense… An indescribable love, really. A love given from above to the unworthy.

Oh… Okay. Who is that man?

He is a lonely man.

A man who walks along the river at nights, wandering around with no purpose. He walks hazardous alleys where the light is nowhere to be seen. He walks innumerable hours into darkness, his mind filled with empty thoughts. He carries on his way until dawn. Seeking the piece that will fill the hole in his heart. He’s blind to the external world. He only sees the inner turmoil he’s found himself into, for as long as he can remember. Men don’t exist to him. He’s alone on this earth, seeking the missing piece. Unsure of his own existence, he adds other bullet points to the list of his unanswered questions.

What a sad man. Where do you find beauty in this?

Wait! That is not all. This is just the beginning. The marvel of the story is found at the place the man stands for the first time in the light.


Walking further down the Path of Despair, the young man encounters death. He never knew where he was going, he never really thought of it. He never paid attention. It’s a road easy to follow, when submerged into unconsciousness. It requires no efforts, no thinking, to just march along the river.

What’s with the river?

Negativity. Powerful torrent, incredible depths of tenebrosity. There’s only one and only destination it leads you to. No matter the route, Depression, Anxiety, Other Disorders… When you walk along the river, all roads lead to Death.

Pretty dark for a love story, ain’t it?

This is not the end. When you stroll your head down, there’s not much you can see.

He only does one thing: he opens his eyes and sees for the first time. There’s a light coming from above the clouds, hidden behind the darkness of the sky. A wake up call. The soft light is shining upon his face, warming up his body, slowly and gently bringing him back to life.

The Moon?




Shari M

Giving a voice to my soul. Sharing a piece of my mind. Unveiling my core.