Mimo — learn to code on the go

Sharif Hadidi
3 min readJan 31, 2018


Mimo is an mobile application that teaches users to code, build websites and applications, and hacking. Mimo found a easily approachable method to teaching people about code through fun little tasks and story lines, creating an engaging and joyful experience from the palm of your hand. Goals are determined based on your time commitment, reminders are offered(optional) to help you keep up with your goals.

Mimo offers your the ability to learn a specific language or multiple different story tracks that teach a variety of skills. Mimo’s use of achievements to motivate users to continue their progress in order to provide a lasting effect add a lot to my overall love of this product. User engagement is difficult to maintain, especially in todays day and age. With all the different coding platforms following a similar technique, Mimo breaks the mold and tackles it in a different and fun way.

My love for Mimo as a product, platform and educational tool has only grown with my use. Even though I worked as a software engineer, I still find myself engaged every time I use the application. The focus on first understanding the overall concepts before moving to more technical questions. By testing users after each section to ensure they have grasped the material before moving on really showcases the importance of the details.

The reminders that you it only takes a few moments to learn when its added up over time is another key feature that separates them. Most tutorials have you follow step by step, teaching the material but encouraging you to remain within the application. Mimo acknowledges that its easier to maintain a habit in small increments instead of large chunks of time. This is what has inspired me to continue to use the application for the past month since its release.

The path options such as building a website, building a app, or become a hacker each have customized tracks from the general programming section along with tailored stories to provide information in a fun way. I think that programming is something that is very important today, with the growth in the industry and the move within school to train students on the fundamentals of programming at a younger age has spawned a variety of these learning sites. Mimo stands out within the crowd, having a interactive interface, engaging story lines, and simple UI all from a device that we always have.



Sharif Hadidi

Web developer living in SF changing the internet one line of code at a time