Sharika Soal
1 min readMar 11, 2017


I literally unsubscribed to the Medium email newsletter because of this headline. I don’t like Trump at all but seriously the clickbait needs to chill. Its hurt this country more than I think we actually comprehend. Think about a 17yr old reading that headline … how many people look for the word “satire” due diligently? I’m not amused at all. I’m tired of the administration. I literally thought your headline in my email inbox was real. I’m starting to hate media. Dragging emotion out of people for clicks. This ain’t funny. I wonder what you will write about when people in America start dying from lack of healthcare etc? Will fake resignation letters be something to play around about? Probably not. #SelfishWriter



Sharika Soal

A contributor to the media / Board Member of http://NAASCA.Org & / 69=My zodiac sign aka Cancer / Owner