Get Instant Peace with a (Hidden) 2-Step Pathway

Sharon Hoffman, Ph.D.
10 min readDec 11, 2022

The harmony you crave is yours — without negotiating or giving up power

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Doing battle is so basic to how most humans live that we normalize it as an inherent way of life. History lessons, religion, video games, sports, cinema and books are laden with stories of battle. Drama, tension and emotion captivate us. It’s mythical, archetypal and even poetic.

Doing battle is high stakes and high drama, yet is it how we want to live our daily lives?

If you have ever found yourself in the middle of battle only to wonder how you got there, you are not alone. This happens all day long, every day, with loved ones and strangers alike. As soon as things don’t suit us, we slide sideways into opposition mode without realizing it:

A child wants a new toy. Her parent says no. A tantrum ensues. Both feel depleted.

A spouse is annoyed by socks left on the floor and criticizes his mate. Tempers flare. Each feels a pit in their stomach.



Sharon Hoffman, Ph.D.

I write about human potential and pathways to joy. My superpower is guiding people to their wisdom with ease and immediacy.