Please Support These 5 Standing Rock Legal Defense Funds to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Shaun King
3 min readJan 25, 2017


OK Everybody.

We’ve done this before, but it’s time for us to do it again.

In December, you sent over $3 million in supplies from Amazon to Standing Rock.

Then you sent over $1 million in cash to purchase trucks, trailers, warehouses, and to complete a full service medical center.

Now, it’s time for us to step up again, but for legal aid. As you likely know, Donald Trump issued an executive order yesterday ordering that construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) continue. The order not only violates the rights of the people of Standing Rock, but it also violates the current order from the Army Corps of Engineers to halt construction while a true environmental impact study is completed.

With that said, I see 3 ways we can stop the construction of this pipeline.

1. Courageous protestors physically stop the construction.

2. Banks pull their funding of the pipeline.

3. Legal decisions order the halt of the pipeline.

We are backing all 3 of these strategies, but TODAY I am asking you to throw everything you have behind option #3. We need you to donate your best donation. We need you to ask everybody you know to join you.

Ask them in person. Ask them on the phone. Ask them on Twitter & Facebook. Ask them via email. Forward this email to them if you need to ok? But in such an email, make the request personal.

As always, 100% of your donation goes directly to the legal aid. Just know, that as you read this email, Energy Transfer Partners, and all of the banks behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, have hired the top law firms in the world to defeat us. I have sources inside some of those law firms who have reached out to tell me just how hard they are prepared to go.

Here are your options:

DONATE to the Water Protector Legal Collective.

DONATE to the Lakota People’s Law Project.

DONATE to the Red Warrior Defense Fund.

DONATE to the Red Fawn Legal Fund.

DONATE to Earth Justice.

Over the past year, most of these funds you will see on the various websites have already exhausted the legal aid that they have raised. That is why we are even in the position we are in today where the pipeline construction has been halted.

Let’s make sure that they have EVERYTHING they need to fight off the Dakota Access Pipeline. Let’s make sure they have every type of attorney they need. Let’s make sure that they have the funds to fight this battle on the front lines and in the court room.

They are counting on you. Give your best gift today, please. And encourage everybody you know to join you.

Grateful to know you and to be in this fight alongside you.

— -Shaun

