Shaun King did not steal money from the family of Tamir Rice.

Shaun King
1 min readNov 19, 2015


Shaun King has never received a single dime from the $100,000+ he proudly raised for the family of police shooting victim Tamir Rice. Shaun King was never, for one day, in possession of the funds. He did not charge the family or attorneys for raising the funds and received no forms of payment of any kind for his fundraising. Attorneys for the family have confirmed these facts over and over and over again. In spite of this, conservatives and hateful blogs continue to use the trope “Shaun King stole money from Tamir Rice” to discredit Shaun’s work for families affected by police brutality. Here are the repeated statements by the attorneys from 2 weeks after Tamir was murdered until May of this year.

