Why I want you to help raise $200,000 for Rachael Rollins to be elected the next District Attorney of Boston.

Shaun King
3 min readJul 11, 2018


Rachael Rollins

I know you’ve heard me say this many times, but no single person in the entire criminal justice system has more power, more influence, and makes more consequential decisions than your local district attorney.

They are the gatekeepers of the criminal justice system. Of the millions of criminal cases in this nation, nearly 98% of them go through the DA’s Office.

But we have a real problem and my friend Rachael Rollins is going to help solve it.

America’s 2,300 district attorneys are 95% white, 89% male, and overwhelmingly conservative. 86% of them ran completely unopposed in the past 4 year election cycle and most studies show that local citizens aren’t even aware that they have the power to vote this person in or out.

Well, for the first time in a generation, the people of Boston and Suffolk County are going to get to choose a new District Attorney. My friend Rachael Rollins has made the bold decision to put her hat in the race and I could not imagine a more capable, competent person to be in this position.

I am going to fight my heart out to help her win, but that’s not enough — I need you to join me. I need you to donate your best gift to her campaign. If you are local, I’d love for you to volunteer for her as well.

As you may have seen, Rachael is not white, she’s not a man, and she’s not a conservative. But it’s more than that. She’s a highly skilled reformer and manager and will come in to this position and hit the ground running to not only keep Boston safe, but to change the justice system there from the inside out. She’s done great work at every single stage of her life.

Rachael Rollins

Before I ever endorse a candidate, I meet them, interview them, interview their colleagues and evaluate their competitors, study their positions and ideas, look at their campaign…then make a decision. After I did all of that, for me the choice was clear and easy. Her positions on justice reform, bail reform, mental health, drug addiction, exonerations, and over safety are in line with mine.

Rachael Rollins is the best candidate for district attorney in Boston.

She can win. She will work her ass off. And she will not disappoint us. That’s why I am asking you to join me in raising $200,000 to give her campaign a real boost.

A tweet is not enough. A Facebook comment is not enough. We have to put our money where our mouth is on criminal justice reform. And we can do that now by backing Rachael Rollins. I’d love it if you could give $2,000, but the truth is, it’s going to help if you can give $25, or even $5-$10. Just give what you can, and spread the word.

Boston’s justice system is in serious need of reform. Many of its policies and practices are antiquated, expensive, and don’t really even make Boston safer. Rachael understands this. Watch this great video with much of her life story to understand who she really is and how hard she’s worked to get here.

So let’s do this! Every dollar you raise goes directly to her campaign. Time is running out and I’m hoping to raise $200,000 for her campaign in the next 10 days! That’s a lot, but together I know we can do it!

Let’s roll! DONATE NOW here!

