How CX design improve your business brand while building an app/website

What to know about customer experience

Sébastien Seghers
5 min readNov 28, 2017

CX Design or Customer Experience Design concerns improving all interactions and touchpoints that surround a user. This involves all interactions from the first engagement with a brand up to the stage of retention.

CX Design involves more than just UX Design, but also a creation of new experiences which help to achieve marketing and business goals of the brand. CX Design implies all the enhancements that aim to improve a customer experience during the complete product lifecycle.

Thus the term of CX Design is much wider. It works with entire journey of a customer and actually goes hand-in-hand with experiential marketing.

CX Design has some key principles that are “must-follow” for businesses that want to succeed in a digital era:

  • Understanding a customer journey in all the channels where customers appear is vital for creation of winning customer experiences.
  • Customer experience is totally subjective, so interactions and touchpoints must be personalized.
  • Offline customers no longer exist, so get ready for an ongoing cross-channel interactions and conversations with the brand.
  • Knowing that at any touchpoint there’s always a chance that users may drive away and choose a competitor should foster ongoing user experience optimization.
  • Customer experience has a direct impact on how much money users are ready to spend in the mobile app or website.
  • Inviting customers to participate in conversations with a brand and collaborate with it as partners helps to provide better customer experiences and improved brand offers.
  • Customer experience design enhancements must be based both on financial data (how customer spends money) and observational data (what customer actually does interacting with the brand).

What’s the difference between CX and UX design ?

CX design and user experience (UX) design are sometimes used interchangeably, because both are concerned with the overall experience of using a product or service.

UX design, however, tends to be more specifically focused on individual products or services, even though it is also concerned with the process of purchasing, using, and even maintaining a product.

CX design tends to adopt a broader view than UX, and has a slightly more commercial focus. Consequently, CX design concentrates harder on areas such as advertisement campaigns, customer service, and consistency, while the concerns of UX design span various product lines.

Regarding the design of interactive products, a solid appreciation for how the cultivated image of an organization such as Apple translates to the usability — and popularity — of its products will prove helpful in keeping a brand design firmly focused on the targeted users.

  1. UX Design works with the product, while CX Design works with the brand. Thus UX designers must make sure they create enjoyable user experience within the mobile app or website that actually solves some customer problem in an efficient way. On the other hand, the main task of a CX designer or CX consultant is to align business goals and strategies with the entire experience of a customer during interaction with the brand.
  2. UX Design focuses on usability, interaction and visual design, while CX Design focuses on customer service and brand reputation. Furthermore, UX Design is also about a user research, information architecture and content strategy. At the same time CX Design also concerns the sales process, advertising, product delivery and fairness of the pricing.
  3. CX Designer is first of all a business expert, and then a UX Designer, while for a UX Designer it’s not always necessary to have great business skills and background.
  4. CX Design is not equal to UX Design. In other words, it includes UX Design, but is greater than that.

To conclude it’s necessary to say that for the success of any business it should be consistent with both UX Design and CX Design. All in all, customers pay attention to all parts of their experience with the product and value the overall experience. They will either buy your product and trust your brand or turn to competition.

Why do we need to consider CX when we’re working with UX?

Let’s say you are the UX designer on a major online retail store. Your job is to build a website which can be easily found on the internet, which customers enjoy spending time on and more importantly still — that they enjoy spending money with.

So far, so simple, right? You go out and do your user research. You use that to inform your design process and because your team are as least as brilliant as you are; they deliver exactly what you expect.

On the first day your website receives thousands of hits and every customer who lands on that site buys something! You are better than Amazon! Then three weeks later… your company goes out of business. But… the UX was perfect right?

It was but the CX sucked. You sold thousands of products on Day One but they neglected to mention that the warehouse wasn’t full of these products; initial expectations were to sell a little and scale up operations. This wouldn’t have been a total disaster but no-one trained the customer care agents to expect this — they’ve been receiving angry phone calls without end. So they all quit and went to work for somewhere less stressful. Your angry clients have all gone out and claimed refunds on their credit cards too…

User experience must always be seen in the bigger context of customer experience or it’s entirely possible that our work will be wasted even when that work is brilliant.

Thanks for reading ❤

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Sébastien Seghers

UX/UI Designer. Based in Brussels, Bel. I like crafting digital stuff & beautiful user experiences. Also Science thinker in my free time. Twitter : @S_Seghers