Dev Log 26

Sheesh Token
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Thank you all for reading this dev log! This week, we were able to make some more good progress towards our first releases for the year!

Rebrand / Revamp

Full transparency, the website launch is taking longer than we originally expected. We have had the desktop version of the website complete for weeks now, but the mobile version has presented several challenges. One bug will be solved, and a corresponding bug will present itself. Ultimately, the original path to completion was scrapped for another, and we received word that a breakthrough was made with the toughest portion late last night.

We are still pushing for as quick a launch as possible, and again we always appreciate the patience.

Lore: We are expecting 4 of our alien lores to be delivered between now and Sunday afternoon, and then we will commission the final 4 that day. Quality writing does take time, and we were very happy with the Quizon which is why we don’t want to rush this lore.

Skills: Our lead developer just finished another solidity coding boot camp, and he is progressively getting better and better which will continue to be a huge asset as web3 developers are hard to come by. He has taken boot camps on security, and this will have huge value as it is imperative our contracts are safe for the financial security of all players and investors.


I spoke with the other team, and we are waiting for the release of the new website to make the partnership public. We believe this will be good for both projects as we have similar communities!


This week was not as packed with progress as last week, but please know nothing has stopped on our end. Pair programming sessions are happening many times a week with our developers as well as solo coding sessions to push this to completion as quickly as possible. Our full-time jobs have ramped up coming out of the holiday which impeded progress a bit this week, but it will never stop the progress. We are all in this for the long haul and cannot wait to release Galaxy Warriors to the public!


The Sheesh Team

