Dev Log 29

Sheesh Token
3 min readMar 4, 2022


Thank you to everyone taking time out of their day to read our update this week! Again, we apologize for the delay. KingBeans’ baby was born last Friday, and he has been pretty busy since then. However, that has not stopped the team from progressing.


The website is currently undergoing unit testing by the developers. We understand these updates don’t mean as much as they are not visual, so I think we could use this dev log to visually show you all some things that we haven’t yet.

A few dev logs back, we shared that we were able to contract a partner developer to help us code out some desktop and mobile components. I think now is a good time to show you what those components will look like after implementation on the website to visually show the community how far we’ve come! (Note: These will not all be on the initial launch of the website, but the code for the components is done meaning it won’t take long after for implementation)

Market Home Page:

Warrior / Weapon Market

Individual Sale Page:

Purchase Page for each Warrior / Weapon

Lore Page: (If there’s interest, maybe we could release one of our full lore stories to the community?)

Lore Page Written by Published Science Fiction Author

Developer Log:

New Home for our Developer Log

Individual Developer Log Page:

New Developer Log Page

Frequently Asked Questions:

New FAQ Page

Rebrand Continued:

As you can see, the team has been making progress, and we hope these visuals will shed some light on the process. I have only posted the desktop version, but each page also has its corresponding mobile version that has been coded as well. At this point, it’s just going to require man-hours to finish up everything for release. We’re not half-assing anything here. It’s all being done incredibly professionally by top-tier talent, and it’s all being done for free. Free means we don’t have 40 hours a week to commit yet, but we will when this project becomes a source of income for the developers. Recently, we launched a contract that will split up tax revenue as previously advised between the developers and the project, which to date has been 100% put back into the project.

Aside from the website, our solidity team is also working hard on the genesis NFT contract. As stated in the last AMA, the proceeds of the sales will go towards buy-back and burn of both Sheesh and GWT as well as expediting the project.


We’re getting close. Some weeks, the developers have more time away from their full-time jobs and family life to do a lot more work on the project while others we do not, but we have never stopped working on the project. With all the time and money the team has committed to the project, we want it to succeed as much as if not more than our community, and we will see it to that point!


The Sheesh / Galaxy Warriors Team

