Dev Log 33

Sheesh Token
2 min readApr 18, 2022


Happy Easter to everyone! Apologies for the delay as we were waiting for the holiday to be over and a few weekend coding sessions to finish up. As many of you know, we were able to launch our new website last week, so this week was some bug fixing and updates.


Work was done on the back end to reduce technical debt. We know that NFT games are largely played in countries where there may be a slower network connection or older models of smartphones, so we want to make sure we accommodate and give all users a great experience.

We also began the coding of the lore page which we’re hoping to have out shortly. We’ve got all lore completed by a published Sci-Fi author, so we believe it’s quite top notch!

Genesis NFT:

Our next push which will be happening in tandem with the website updates will be the launch of the Genesis NFT. The contract is almost complete, but Aaron was away on a trip for a couple of weeks which slowed progress on that as we weren’t able to meet our goal of finishing it prior to his trip. He is back now and we have programming sessions this week dedicated to wrapping that up. Once the contract is complete, we will put up a timer on the website which will trigger marketing to begin for the genesis NFT.

The sales of the NFTs will have a multitude of benefits as stated in our AMA some time ago. Most importantly, we will be dedicating a large % of it towards expediting the game, but a good % will also go towards buyback and burn of Sheesh and GWT which will help all current holders and the future health of the token.


As always, thanks for sticking by the team throughout the duration of the project!


The Sheesh Team

