Some Useful Pointers for Whiskey Tasting

Sheick Vandermeirz
3 min readSep 27, 2017


There is an astonishing variety of spirits provided in restaurants, bars, and liquor stores. In fact, there are thousands of whiskeys, vodkas, gins, and liquors for your client to purchase. While beer and wine tasting have been quite popular, whiskey tastings are just starting to get an audience. Most individuals might find the concept of sipping a single malt scotch or bourbon straight to be too much for them. Straight spirits do not have any mixers in them and they are regarded as an acquired taste. Nonetheless, even though your taste buds could get used to some single malt scotch if you have never tried one, there are a few fundamental practices you could utilize to relish the experience better and open your palate to the exciting flavors that spirits have to offer.

In case you are tired of purchasing the same vodka tonic and need to try out a new item, then the following may make the encounter of whiskey tasting ireland much more rewarding.

Among the reasons why drinking whiskey may lead to shock to your body is because of the high alcohol content. A lot of whiskeys generally have 40 percent alcohol by volume. There are a few scotches and bourbons that can have more alcohol content. Compare these to wine that may have close to 12 to 15 percent of alcohol by volume or beer that has roughly 4 to 10 percent of alcohol by volume and you also see why people are worried about whiskey tasting.

Understanding what a specific whiskey or spirit is and what constitutes it helps in the whiskey tasting procedure. By way of example, possessing a baseline knowledge of what bourbon is will assist in the tasting procedure. Bourbon is a type of whiskey where the primary ingredient is corn, the secondary ingredient is wheat, rye or a mixture of both. Understanding that this may prepare your mind to process the flavor. Check the bottle or ask the bartender or waiter in the event you are not sure what you are tasting. For more info about whiskey tasting, visit

Much of what you perceive as taste comes from your sense of smell. You have to smell the spirit before it touches your lips just like in beer or wine tasting. This will help you in identifying the flavors which you may not experience otherwise. But with spirits, it is imperative not to inhale deeply. This is because inhaling the spirit deeply will only fire the odor of alcohol in your mouth and lungs leading to a burning feeling. This shock to the system will make it difficult for the actual smells of the spirit to come forth. Rather, put your nose into the glass slightly below the rim and allow the aroma of the spirit to enter your nostrils gradually. Know more about killarney restaurants tripadvisor.

