Feed the Children’s Fight against Childhood Hunger

Sheila Vitale
1 min readNov 28, 2016


Sheila R. Vitale serves as a pastor and teacher at Living Epistles Ministries. Also involved in charitable giving, Sheila Vitale gives to Feed the Children.

Founded more than 35 years ago, Feed the Children strives to end childhood hunger. Recognizing that this goal requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, the organization partners with donors, communities, experts, and leaders to create a comprehensive approach to tackle the problem.

Feed the Children challenges conventional thinking and believes that ending childhood hunger is indeed possible. With dignity as a central tenet of its operations, the organization strives to treat each child and family with dignity and respect.

Also committed to accountability, Feed the Children believes in the importance of changing strategies that do not work and in building on those that do. The organization is led by president and CEO J.C. Watts, Jr., a former congressman who has traveled extensively and seen firsthand the effects of poverty around the world.



Sheila Vitale

Sheila Vitale founded Living Epistles Ministries in Port Jefferson Station, New York, in 1998.