Master the Trap of Captivity

Sheil C
2 min readAug 8, 2022

I remember, a few years back just when I got into the field of Computer programming and got my Internship through my college, I never like the job to which I was assigned.

The Job was to manage the front-end of software, I was about to leave the job as I started to think that I’m developing no real skills in this Company.

The Diamond shined from the Coal

Just about to get ready to write my resignation application, I heard a loud voice coming beside my cabin it was my project manager or can also call him “boss” firing my colleague because of his poor performance and were planning to reduce the members of the project, so that was the time I was stunned in a long time! The conversation of my colleague with my boss went further I got more into it!

Boss: We are planning to decrease the team size for the project, and unfortunately remove some of the Employees for fund utilization.

The Reply of my Colleague to the Boss stunned me!

Colleague : (in lower tone) If you remove me, The system won’t work.

My Boss looked pretty surprised too, but he took this reply nothing as serious and thought he was just trying to save his job and make up some excuses.

Just 2 Days after firing my colleague, the Project Collapsed.

Yes, you read it right. The system collapsed and wouldn’t progress further.

The whole team working on the project was in awe, only my boss and I had any idea of what happened, and we both were sure what that was.

My boss tried a lot of techniques and called a lot of technicians to help us out but unfortunately, none could ultimately he Summoned the Employee back, Hired him at double the salary he had before, and begged for help.

The Employee helped us revive the system, and run the project smoothly on the track again.

What did the Employee do?

It was a trick, a very smart one.

He made sure, that the system does a check for his employee badge being swiped, and buried it under a piece of cryptic code, almost impossible to find. If the badge was swiped, then the system was commanded to Reset itself.

This is what I call a Trap of Captivity.

You have to make your presence so important in whichever field, that if you are absence is felt, the work cannot proceed.

Thank you for Reading.


Sheil C.



Sheil C

A passionate writer | Self Development | Book Publisher | PHD in Astrophysics & Chemical Engginering