Breathing Life: Lessons from a Spiritual Master on Respiratory Hygiene

Unmasking the secrets of mindful breathing and its impact on life quality and personal awareness.

Shelby Schweitzer
5 min readMay 19, 2023

Many of us go through life, living from breath to breath, without ever pausing to reflect on the sheer marvel of the process. It is a process as ordinary as it is extraordinary. I found myself immersed in this realization after spending time with a spiritual master who, to my surprise, had much wisdom to impart about…breathing.

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The Quintessence of Breathing

It’s no exaggeration to say that breathing might be the most crucial of all bodily functions. It is the only one serving both our physical and psychic bodies simultaneously. With each breath, the positive polarity of Vital Life Force enters the human body, providing not just the physical necessity of oxygen but also a vital cosmic essence for our psychic plane.

In this light, breathing becomes a dual act of nourishment, serving us both tangibly and intangibly. It becomes our responsibility then, not just to breathe, but to breathe with intent, to breathe with consciousness, to ensure we’re inhaling quality air, and doing it correctly. The act of breathing, in essence, becomes a mindful practice.

Photo Creds: ColorfulZone

In his work, Science of Breath, William Walker Atkinson beautifully illuminates this relationship between breath and life:

“The infant draws in a long, deep breath, retains it for a moment to extract from it its life-giving properties, and then exhales it in a long wail, and lo! his or her life upon Earth has begun. The elderly man or woman gives a faint gasp, ceases to breathe, and life is over. From the first faint breath of the infant to the last gasp of the dying person, it is one long story of continued breathing. Life is but a series of breaths.”

His words remind us of the breath’s role as a life force. Life begins with our first breath and ends with our last. Each breath in between is a testament to our existence, our vitality, and our continued interaction with the world around us.

The Wonder of Respiration

Our body has a finely tuned orchestra of organs and systems in place to execute respiration. But what is truly remarkable is how each breath we take ties us to the very fabric of life, and in a sense, the universe itself.

When we breathe in, air enters our bodies through our nostrils or our mouth. However, it is preferable to breathe through the nose. The human nose is a marvel in itself — it warms, humidifies, and filters the air we breathe in, doing its best to protect our body’s interior from impurities.

The journey of a breath doesn’t end there. The inhaled air proceeds into our larynx and then the trachea or windpipe, lined with cells that trap atmospheric dust particles that may have bypassed our noses. When these particles accumulate, we cough or spit them out — the body’s simple yet elegant way of maintaining our respiratory health.

The path continues as the air enters our lungs through the bronchi. Here, oxygen and a cosmic essence are transferred from the tiny sacs called pulmonary alveoli into our blood capillaries. This oxygenated and revitalized blood then travels to all parts of our body, nourishing and energizing our cells.

As we exhale, our bodies expel carbon dioxide and other waste gases. If left to circulate in our bloodstream, these gases could poison our bodies. Thus, in every exhalation, there’s a subtle act of cleansing and rejuvenation.

Respiratory Hygiene: The Rules of Breathing

Through this intimate understanding of breathing, we can infer certain rules concerning respiratory hygiene.

Breathe through the nose, especially when the air is cold or impure. Seek out clean air to breathe. It might not always be possible, particularly if you live or work in a city, but make an effort to walk in the countryside or in forests when you can.

Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash

Don’t underestimate the importance of the quality of your breath. Like eating healthily, breathing properly nourishes our bodies, our minds, and even our souls. An insufficient amount of oxygen can result in a weak psychic vitality, leading to potential issues.

Exhaling is equally important. Deep, full exhales ensure that we rid our bodies of any waste gases, thereby avoiding the accumulation of harmful residues.

Finally, consider the space you inhabit. Keep a container of clean water in your bedroom to maintain a favorable level of humidity for respiration. It’s also advisable to sleep with the window open or slightly ajar to facilitate fresh air circulation. And remember, a well-aired room is a healthier room.

Photo by Julie Marsh on Unsplash

I hope these lessons inspire you as much as they’ve inspired me. Breathing is a celebration of life, a rhythmic dance with the cosmos, and a testament to the intricate beauty of our bodies. Let’s not take it for granted. Let us breathe consciously, breathe fully, and breathe life into every moment.

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

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Shelby Schweitzer

Community Manager & Psych student. Avid gamer, culinary explorer, global traveler. Unraveling the mysteries.