International Self Care Day — What Self Care Means To Us.

Shello App
2 min readJul 24, 2018


This week we’re celebrating the International Self Care Day on Shello, so we wanted to start by discussing what self care means to us.

Self care doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all about loving and accepting yourself for who you are and believing that you are worthy of little acts of kindness towards yourself. Taking the time to cook a nice meal for yourself, buying some flowers, having a relaxing bath or even watching some trashy tv at the end of the day to relax and forget about your day are all forms of self care we like to practise.

It is important to remember that putting yourself first and taking control of your own happiness is your responsibility.

However, practising self care goes beyond just you being happy. When you feel good about yourself, you spread positivity around you and are able to make your friends and loved ones feel better, too. You have more energy to do the things you love and you learn to love yourself and others despite their imperfections. We feel confident enough to say that your life just becomes better all around.

The video below has some more suggestions for things you can do to care for yourself on a day to day basis and we recommend giving it a watch.

We would like to know what self care means to you, too, so please join the conversation on Shello and let us know what you do to look after yourself. Join our Mental Health and Body Matters groups in particular to ask and give advice for anything self care related and more.



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