America Is Being Run By a Cult

I grew up "educated" by the likes of Paula White and today’s evangelical power in the Whitehouse doesn’t surprise me one bit.

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


My gap year after high school was in an evangelical cult. Aka an internship with the now defunct Teen Mania Ministries. Nobody knew it was a cult back then. That’s just what friends said when they learned about some of the rules we had to follow like no dating, no secular music, and no R-rated movies.

I was in that cult when the 2000 Election occurred. They bussed all of us who were old enough to vote over to the polls. Though our leadership didn’t come out and tell us to vote for Bush, they made it clear that “God chose George W.”

Nobody can really understand what goes on in evangelical circles unless they’ve been a part of them. Even then, it takes time to process what’s going on.

I am increasingly reminded of my evangelical upbringing as well as my cult year now that Donald Trump has been in office for nearly one full term, and his evangelical base is working hard on his reelection.

It’s easy to laugh at Trump, but dangerous to underestimate the evangelicals who help put him into power.



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧