It Takes Time To Become Sex Positive

Sexual mantras from an exvangelical.

Shannon Ashley
10 min readApr 6, 2019

It’s funny because growing up, I didn’t really know we were evangelical or fundamentalists. I simply knew we were Christian, and that I was expected to believe whatever I was told — first, from my mother, and then from every church I attended, and finally, from the internship cult I joined after high school.

Throughout my various spiritual circles, no one ever said we were anything but Christian. But it’s something I learned once I got out of the very religious bubble. We weren't just Christian. We were fundies.

People who’ve always been on the outside often wonder how intelligent individuals can fall for the unscrupulous practices of fundie leaders and the overzealous authority figures. But indoctrination is a kind of trickery, and it’s especially hard to see through when you’ve been indoctrinated for your entire life.

Exvangelical, former fundies--whatever you want to call us, I don’t think most of us were able to leave until we discovered the reality of spiritual abuse. So… not until it broke our spirits and we understood something was wrong.

For my own part, after one failed marriage, vaginismus, and massive bouts of depression — I needed to believe in sexual freedom. It was something I felt I had to pursue for my…



Shannon Ashley

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧