My Boss of 4 Years Ghosted Me When I Told Him I Had to Quit My Job

Sometimes the gig economy looks a lot like online dating.

Shannon Ashley
Awkwardly Honest


I used to be a big fan of social media marketing. Work from home! Set your own hours! Work in your PJs, put on Netflix, and keep your baby at home. So convenient! (And a little like online dating.)

Sadly, there’s also a dark side to the social media hustle of the gig economy. Writers often overlook it because we so desperately want to work from home. Flexible work hours are like the new American dream.

For nearly four years, I worked from home as a writer for a social media management agency. Talk about gig economy — I got paid a flat rate per task, regardless of the time it took to finish.

I began writing for the startup around the time they first launched, and my client load steadily increased so that in less than a year, I became one of two full-time writers.

For a long time, I thought it was a good job. But I gave it an awful lot of extra credit for being better than it really was. This seems to be a common problem for writers, and practically anyone who’s first dipping their toes into this new American dream.

Yes, the main benefit was that I got to work from home, so I didn’t have to worry about putting my…



Shannon Ashley
Awkwardly Honest

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧