The Multi-Hyphenate Myth That Hurts Women

Shannon Ashley
5 min readSep 28, 2019

When I was a new single mom, homeless and struggling beneath the weight of my new responsibilities, people I barely knew had plenty of advice to give.

One man in particular, the founder of a ministry supposedly aimed to mentor single moms, said this:

“You can’t just be a mom. You need to make sure there’s more to yourself than motherhood.”

I’m sure some folks are nodding their heads thinking, what great advice. Do you know what? I never thought it was so great. In fact, I found the whole sentiment nauseating.

In my five-plus years of motherhood, I have found no shortage of people who will warn me of the great importance of being more than one thing. But in particular, I am supposed to be more than a mom. Whatever that means.

To put it all into perspective, I imagine these same people telling a man that he must be more than a dad.

It’s ridiculous, really.

Everybody knows that a father is already much more than that. Then why is so hard to believe that a mother isn’t also inherently more?

I suppose this is the first big problem I have with the multi-hyphenate myth. It comes with this underlying assumption that most people aren’t already more than one thing.



Shannon Ashley

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧